Chapter 1579: Just the Beginning

s.And with the sound of shattering, Jiang Yun's fingers finally, unobstructed, gently touched upon the tenth meridian. Even so, his fingertips had already come into contact with that concentrated mass..."Boom!"

A deafening roar of thunder once again echoed from the boundless expanse of dark clouds.

Although thunder hasn't struck yet, the red light within the clouds is surging wildly, illuminating the entire nameless wasteland sky. It's as if it's been splashed with blood.

Even at this moment, even standing outside the Desolate Realm, one could see that dazzling crimson lightning.

Obviously, because four Heavenly Immortals of the Five Tribulations Realm suddenly appeared, this tribulation that was originally only aimed at Jiang Yun had to take more time to nurture more thunderbolts.

At this moment, throughout the vast expanse of the nameless desolate realm, there was no other sound besides the incessant roar of thunder.

All beings, no matter where they are in this world, can clearly see the true, sky-covering clouds and lightning above.

Although most of them had no idea what was happening, the apocalyptic scene before them turned almost everyone's face pale. Some took shelter inside buildings, while others curled up and dared not move.

As for all the people inside Mount Cloud City, they were completely petrified.

They were already aware that this was a tribulation for Jiang Yun, but this tribulation far exceeded their imagination and comprehension, leaving their minds blank and unable to think.

All they can do is wait anxiously!

Zheng De's daughter-in-law had already hugged her son back to the ground, and was forcibly stuffed into the cellar by Zheng De.

...while Zheng De gritted his teeth and stood outside, his gaze fixed on the sky, silently praying that Jiang Yun would be able to safely weather this storm.

Yin Hong and Meng Qiao, along with the other two, had also dispersed. After all, gathering together would make the descending thunderbolts denser and their power surge.

Now they all kept a vast distance from each other, each face grim as they stared up at the ominous clouds above.

Meng Qiao finally came to his senses.

However, she did not look at the dark clouds, but rather looked towards the distant ginger clouds, her face still bearing a trace of fear.

This fear, besides being generated from facing this evil Ginger Cloud at the moment, the true root cause is because in her dream, she had already been killed by Ginger Cloud once!

Although the Ghost Clan are not living beings, they also observe and similarly pursue their own Dao, possessing their own Dao hearts.

To be killed once meant that an experience was etched onto Meng Qiao's Daoist heart, becoming a huge obstacle on her path to seeking enlightenment!

She originally thought that after she truly saw Jiang Yun, she would be able to untie the knot in her heart and shatter the boulder.

But now she realizes, perhaps she was wrong.

Because this Gingercloud is even more terrifying than in my dreams!

Jiang Yun also did not continue to pursue Yin Hong and the others. After all, his purpose had been achieved. He would just see how they would cope under their own tribulation.

After a moment passed, amidst the billowing dark clouds, dozens of crimson lightning bolts finally descended.

Facing five individuals, all of them powerful figures undergoing the Dao Tribulation, the thunderbolts not only doubled in number but also expanded in size to encompass an area of two zhang each.

Underneath these crimson thunders, the already blood-red sky of the nameless wasteland became even more glaring and eye-catching.

Yin Hong and the other three stood with their spiritual energies surging, intently watching the descending thunderbolts.

Although they were pulled into the tribulation by Jiang Yun, they were not the true ones facing it. Therefore, each of them only received nine bolts of thunder.

As for the number of thunderbolts aimed at Jiang Yun, it reached an astounding eighteen!

Eighteen bolts of lightning, their inner patterns madly swirling. Each bolt seemingly had a vast gap between them, but in reality, these gaps were also filled with countless threads of lightning as fine as hair, stretching continuously into sheets.

The thunderclap's radius spanned ten thousand zhang, and the murderous aura it radiated made heaven and earth tremble.

Looking at this scene, even the four Hidden Dragons felt a tightness in their hearts. They couldn't understand why this Great Dao would have such a deep hatred for Jiang Yun.

Now this is interesting!

Looking at these eighteen thunder pillars, Jiang Yun couldn't help but smile proudly. On his body, the annihilation magic patterns finally began to appear.

This is already the fifth attack for Jiang Yun.

...and in the four battles before this, Jiang Yun had relied solely on his physical strength to hold his own.

This time, with the doubling of the number and power of thunderbolts, Jiang Yun also had to use the Annihilation Demon Rune.

However, Ginger Cloud's use of the Annihilation Demon Pattern wasn't to increase his body's defenses and withstand the power of this thunderous attack.


These few wisps of annihilation magic patterns, after appearing, didn't remain on Jiang Yun's body. Instead, they detached from his body and gathered above his head, scattering apart to form a gigantic palm with a radius of ten thousand zhang.

Then, this hand suddenly grasped the eighteen bolts of lightning that descended from the heavens!

Everyone was stunned, even Yin Hong and the others were shocked to their core!

Even Yin Hong couldn't help but exclaim in surprise: "What a madman!"

No one had ever seen such a thing. During the tribulation, instead of enduring the attacks of the heavenly tribulation, someone actually caught the lightning bolts from the tribulation itself.

This is a complete disregard for the Tao.

However, Yin Hong and they didn't have time to pay attention to Jiang Yun's such crazy actions.

Because the thunder had already struck all four of them almost simultaneously, an endless storm raged, engulfing their bodies completely.

Although these bolts of lightning were incredibly powerful, it wasn't too difficult for them to handle. The four of them quickly dispelled the nine streaks of lightning power that enveloped each of them.

However, just at this moment, their faces inevitably changed again all at once.

Because that palm, transformed from the Annihilation Demon Rune, grasped eighteen thunder pillars. With a tight squeeze, it merged those eighteen thunder pillars into a single colossal pillar of thunder dozens of meters wide.

And, gripping this lightning pillar, this palm was like holding a staff, and smashed heavily down towards Yin Hong!

Gingercloud surprisingly used the tribulation thunder as his own weapon, taking the opportunity to attack Yinhong.

"Crazy person, Ginger Cloud, you're truly crazy!"

Besides the constant exclamations from his mouth, Yin Hong's heart was already filled with hatred for Jiang Yun!

If this were merely lightning summoned by Jiang Yun himself, and he attacked in this manner, he wouldn't even take it to heart.

This is a bolt of tribulation lightning, within it lies the power of the great dao!

In addition, the power of Ginger Cloud's strength propelled this attack, doubling its power to a level that even he had to take seriously.


The lightning column struck Yinhong heavily, the thunderclap exploding as his body was once again consumed by the boundless lightning.

Until a moment passed, the lightning gradually faded, revealing its inner face - a chillingly blue color, with eyes that radiated killing intent - it was the formidable Yin Hong!

Although it seemed like Yin Hong was unharmed, the blow had actually injured him.

Yín Hóng stared fixedly at Jiāng Yún, and at the same time, the pitch-black sky suddenly brightened. The thick clouds slowly dispersed towards the surroundings.

And this also means that Jiang Yun's tribulation has ended.

Every manifestation of the tribulation is different, and the number of bolts of lightning it unleashes varies. However, once the dark clouds dissipate, it signifies the end of the tribulation.

Yin Hong and Meng Qiao's four hearts finally let out a sigh of relief.

Without the constraints of the tribulation, they could face Jiang Yun without any reservations.

Yin Hong took another step toward Jiang Yun: "Jiang Yun, your tribulation is over. Now I see what you have left!"

Gingercloud didn't speak, but wore an evil smile. However, from afar, another voice suddenly echoed: "As I said before, this is just the beginning!"

First published by the Traditional Chinese Novel Network cleared his throat and shouted, "Do you take medicinal pills here"As a shop, since we sell things, then naturally we also accept things.Besides, when selling things, they usually sell to correspondin...