Chapter 1336: On the Same Side

Even, he surpassed Ye Tian Stone, the disciple who specialized in the art of life-fire nirvana, even exceeding himself!But that's normal!Of course, each of them who could become the Sect Master of Jiu...Gingercloud's words were not meant to be boastful or a deception against Wu Xingzi.

Because the "Distance Between Heaven and Earth" was originally a sub-sacred artifact belonging to the Xiao clan, when Xiao Letian told Jiang Yun about it, he also revealed the method of distinguishing between genuine and fake keys.

This method must rely on the power of void-emptiness, and even outsiders who know it cannot perform it. That's why Jiang Yun specifically pointed this out to prevent Wu Xingzi from giving himself a fake key and passing through deceitfully.

After stating his two conditions, Ginger Cloud remained silent, his gaze calmly fixed on Wu Xingzi.

Wu Xingzi did not immediately reply, but frowned and fell into deep thought.

He didn't take the art of cultivating one's spiritual path and making up for deficiencies seriously.

Although these two arts are indeed magical and miraculous, they have drawbacks and are not difficult to obtain.

The only thing he couldn't decide was the key.

Just like when Dan Daozi heard Jiang Yun's request at first.

Although this key does not belong to the Wuxing Daozong, the consequences of losing it are something even the Wuxingzi is unwilling to bear.

However, looking around at the five great demons of Wu Yang eyeing him hungrily, especially the firebird's malicious gaze, Wuxingzi finally gritted his teeth and made a decision.

"Although the key is important, what use is it if they truly desperate and kill me Just give it to them!"

Moreover, this key has been on me for so many years, and Daozun has never mentioned it. Perhaps he doesn't need this key anymore!

Thinking of this, Wu Xingzi slowly raised his hand, preparing to take out the key he had always kept close.

But just at that moment, he suddenly turned his head, looking in a certain direction. A light flashed in his eyes, and his voice was filled with surprise: "Brother Dan, since you've arrived, why haven't you shown yourself"

Wu Xingzi's words suddenly shocked everyone again, and they all followed his gaze.

Under everyone's gaze, a middle-aged man slowly walked out from the darkness. His brows were slightly furrowed, his face gloomy. It was none other than the master of Yaodaozong, Dan Daozi!

Since learning that Tuomen sent five people to hunt down Jiang Yun, Dan Daozi not only dispatched skilled disciples from the sect to search for Jiang Yun's whereabouts in Yaodao Heaven but also personally embarked on the quest.

Although he had no idea where Jiang Yun had been sent, and was wandering aimlessly, at this very moment, within this boundary rift, even excluding the four from the Earth Gate, there were still six powerful figures at the Human Dao Homunculus Realm!

As the head of Yaodao Sect, Dan Daozi couldn't help but feel the terrifying aura emanating from here, so he naturally rushed over.

However, after seeing the situation clearly, he remained hidden in the shadows and did not show himself.

Although the Yaodao Sect, Wu Xing Dao Zong, and even the other Great Dao Sects had quite a bit of friction with each other, they were ultimately the Nine Great Dao Sects, a unified whole personally designated by the Dao Zun!

And this also means that at this time, he should stand up and help Wu Xingzi.

However, the one he had high hopes for, Jiang Yun, stood on the side of the Holy Clan, so he didn't want to show himself.

But unexpectedly, the demons on Fifth Avenue didn't detect his presence. Instead, they were discovered by Wu Xingzi in the end. This left him with no choice but to reveal himself and step out.


Seeing Dan Daozi's exit, Wu Xingzi's gloomy expression instantly vanished, and he couldn't help but laugh out loud. However, Wu Yang and the others' faces changed slightly.

They naturally also knew that the appearance of Dan Daozi was to add a helper for Wu Xingzi's side.

While Dan Daozi's strength may not be as great as Wu Xingzi's, it is comparable to the others.

And with the addition of Tomen from the four, their advantage instantly vanished!

Although they still have Dixinghe, Jiangyun, and the new Saint race member Huoniao on their side, this kind of battle is not something they can get involved in.

"Dan, you've arrived just at the right time!"

Wu Xingzi smiled and said, “These holy race Dao demons want to kill me. Dan brother, you and I are both the headmasters of Jiudao Sect. We can't just sit idly by and watch them die without helping!”

For Wuxizi's words, Dan Daozi remained silent.

Now he truly regrets it, wishing he had never come to this commotion. Now that he's involved in this messy situation, there's no way out for him.

Wuxingzi obviously saw Dandaozi's unwillingness to make a move, so he continued in a transmission: "Dandao brother, I know you usually don't like to get involved in these disputes, but this time is different. Daozun has ordered us to find an opportunity to kill a Daoyao and test the attitude of the Holy Clan, so you must make a move!"

Then, Wuxingzi suddenly spoke in a loud voice: "Since Brother Dan is willing to lend a hand, we should strike quickly and decisively. Brother Dan, I'll make the first move!"

As soon as the words left his mouth, Wu Xingzi suddenly reached out and pointed. The Five Elements Wheel appeared abruptly, spinning rapidly and releasing a boundless killing intent that surged toward Uyáng and the others!

It has to be said, Wuxingzi is indeed ruthless and quite despicable.

Just now, for the sake of survival, I was willing to agree to any terms proposed by Ginger Cloud. But now that I see Dan Daozi appear, my attitude changes immediately, and I even take the lead in attacking him.

As for the phrase he deliberately shouted out loud, it was naturally also intended to completely drag Dan Daozi down.

Seeing Wuyi's move, despite Dan Daozi's extreme reluctance in his heart, he could only sigh helplessly and take slow steps towards the five Taoist demons.

Wu Yang and five other Taoist demons had been on guard against Wu Xingzi long ago. Although Wu Xingzi's actions resembled a sneak attack, they remained unflustered.

Uyang's palm waved, a gust of wind burning with flames already swept towards Jiangyun and the others, encircling them, protecting them.

The clash between powerful beings in this humane and similar environment produced waves of energy that were simply too overwhelming for any of them to bear.

And the four of them, Jin Ge, also let out a cold snort, and simultaneously attacked, facing the Five Elements Turntable.

"Boom boom boom!"

A tremendous explosion erupted, and with the combined efforts of four individuals, the Five Elements Turret was effortlessly reduced to nothingness.

And with the disappearance of the turning wheel, Wu Xingzi's figure flashed and appeared before them. With a roll of his sleeves, another five-element turning wheel emerged, enveloping Jin Ge and Kun Long.

"Tomen from, what are you all still doing Do everything in your power to restrain Ryuusen and Mizukawa!"

The sound of Wu Xingzi once again boomed like thunder, shaking the four members of Tu Men awake. After a look at each other, they gritted their teeth and charged towards Liu Xian and Shui Chuan.

"Brother Dan, Wu Yang just expended a lot of power and is now greatly weakened. I leave him to you. I hope you can finish the fight quickly and then come help us!"

"Dan, you mustn't let us down. Otherwise, the consequences will be dire, you should know that!"

Evidently, Wu Xingzi's plan was to hold back both Dao Demons single-handedly, allowing Tu Men to restrain the other two with four people, and give the weakest, Wu Yang, to Dan Daozi.

The reason for doing this is that, besides the fact that Dan Daozi's strength can definitely solve Wu Yang in the shortest time, Wuxingzi also intentionally wants to push the responsibility of killing Wu Yang onto Dan Daozi.

As long as Uyanger dies, the Five Great Dao Demons will be missing one. Then, Wuxingzi and his people will have the advantage.

Moreover, Wu Yang is dead, so this time Five Elements' mission is complete, and they can even turn around and leave immediately!

Dan Daozi couldn't hear the meaning behind Wu Xingzi's words. If he didn't intervene, the other would definitely reveal his true identity to everyone. At that point, Dan Daozi himself would be in danger.

Therefore, Dan Daozi could only bow his fist to Wu Yang and say: "Wu Dao You, Dan has offended you!"

As soon as his words left his mouth, a fire dragon burst forth from Dan Daozi's body and charged towards Wu Yang.

First published on the Traditional Chinese Novel Networking distance between herself and Ye Lingzhu."Humph!"Only then did Ye Lingzhu let out a cold snort, walked to the side of Sheng Yao Stone, and raised her hand again.But just then, Jiang Yun's voice ran...