Chapter 131: Eight-tenths Demoness

want to be the first to step forward, even if they were cultivators from a Heavenly Cave.Especially now that they were so close, seeing the swirling vortex atop Jiang Yun's head was truly a strong vis...The Eleventh Pulse Meridian means that in addition to the spiritual energy essential for cultivators, Jiang Yun also has access to two kinds of power not belonging to this world.

Therefore, under Bai Ze's reminder, Jiang Yun's tenth and eleventh meridians surged with physical strength and thunder power, immediately countering the transforming demonic force that was reversing his body.

As expected, with the appearance of both flesh and thunder, the power to subdue demons, like a giant hand, was immediately restrained. This also caused Jiang Yun's body transformation speed to begin slowing down.

Seizing this opportunity, Ginger Cloud suddenly straightened his body and took a step forward!

Although it was just one step, it shocked everyone, especially the Luo family and Luo Lingxiao!

You have to know, although the power of demon transformation is just beginning, since ancient times, no one who has set foot on the Reverse Demon Bridge has ever been able to take the first step in such a short amount of time!

Even those who had successfully crossed the Reverse Demon Bridge in the past, at their fastest, only managed to begin walking after a full minute of resistance. They achieved this by employing special methods.

However, Jiang Yun, surprisingly, only took less than ten breaths to withstand the power of demon transformation and successfully took the first step!

"How did he do that"

I don't know, but it's not hard to guess that this person has a very strong will! No wonder Wendaotang dared to send him alone to the Luo family!

"Yes, I heard that on the Bridge of Reverse Demons, many people fell into the abyss without even taking a step. Some were even cultivators from hidden realms! This Disciple of the問道宗 is truly remarkable!"

"But don't get too excited just yet, this is only the beginning. This bridge of demons gets harder and harder to cross as you go further!"

As for the discussions among the people, Jiang Yun was completely oblivious. Even if he knew about them, he wouldn't have time to care.

After taking the first step, relying on the temporary resistance of his physical body and thunder power against the demonic energy, he gritted his teeth and raised his foot again, stepping out.

This time, Ginger Cloud's steps never stopped. He actually took a hundred steps in one go, each step a full ten feet!

This scene once again deeply shocked everyone.

Although Bai Zhang's length was only one-tenth the distance of Qian Zhang's Reverse Demon Bridge, Jiang Yun's speed was truly beyond ordinary comprehension.

However, Luo Lingxiao on the tower let out a cold snort and said: "If you think that just because you're fast, you can pass through, then you also underestimate my Luo family's Reverse Demon Bridge. Starting at one hundred zhang, demonic qi will appear!"

As Luo Lingxiao's voice fell, Jiang Yun's body trembled violently, and the momentum of his advance was instantly halted.

Because within the reversed demon bridge beneath him, a surge of monstrous energy suddenly erupted, sweeping everything away like a raging tide and directly crashing into his body.

Ginger's experience felt like the time he first swallowed the three Marrow Opening Pills. However, this demonic energy was far more potent than the spiritual energy produced by those pills.

But this demonic aura wouldn't burst his body, it would accelerate his transformation into a demon, reversing the process!

Under the influence of this demonic aura, Jiang Yun's erect body involuntarily began to curve again. The scales on his face continued to appear, and even the thunder within him and his physical strength were temporarily forced back into two meridians.


From Jiang Yun's mouth erupted a roar like a beast. His bent body trembled violently, and it began to blur, as if about to dissolve into nothingness.

Baize has always been paying attention to Jiang Yun with his divine sense. Although he wanted to help, he didn't dare to move at all because this Inverse Demon Bridge is made of the bones of Dao Demons.

He faced the monster just as a beast would face him, unable even to muster the thought of resistance.

He also had great doubts in his heart. After all, Dao Yao were incredibly powerful beings. It was understandable that they would be killed by demon cultivators, but which demon cultivator would put the bones of a Dao Yao in this seemingly unremarkable world where he currently existed

But just then, he suddenly heard Jiang Yun's panting voice beside him: "Bai Ze, does it take a lot of demonic energy to become a demon tamer"

Hearing this, Bai Ze's heart skipped a beat. "What do you want to do"

“Hee hee!” Despite the pain, Ginger Cloud’s mouth let out a laugh. “I’ve been using your demonic energy for so long, I feel a bit embarrassed. Now that there’s such abundant demonic energy here, and it’s from another Dao Demon, what a great opportunity! If I wasted it, wouldn’t that be a pity Teach me, how can I use demonic energy to become a demon cultivator!”


Bai Ze was actually speechless for a moment, because he was truly shocked by Jiang Yun's bold idea.

Standing on the bones of a Dao Yao, facing the imminent danger of being transformed into a monster, he actually wants to turn the tables and use the Dao Yao's demonic energy to become a demon refiner!

Who in their right mind would do something so insane

"Quickly! Bai Ze!" Jiang Yun's voice rang out again, laced with urgency. "I know you gave me demonic energy to control me, but I can promise you this: if I, Jiang Yun, become a Demon Tamer, as long as I don't die, then one day, I will help you achieve your great path and become a Dao demon!"

Bai Ze was stunned. He didn't expect that the purpose of his giving Jiang Yun demonic energy had already been known by Jiang Yun.

However, what shocked him even more was the last thing Jiang Yun said!

Whether it's a demon or a human, the ultimate purpose of arduous cultivation is simply to achieve the Great Dao.

Originally, I was captured by a demon tamer and sealed within this demon-taming brush. I thought there would be no chance for me to achieve the Dao again, but now this human boy has given me a promise that is almost impossible to fulfill.

I have to say, Bai Ze, I've fallen for you!

Just as Old Hei said back then, demons are both feared and hated by demon cultivators, yet they also carry a hint of longing. Following by the side of a demon cultivator is a shortcut to achieving great power!

However, what Bai Ze is not very willing to accept now is that Jiang Yun's strength is too low!

Even he himself didn't think he could survive crossing this Reverse Demon Bridge, living to leave the Luo family, let alone becoming a demon refiner.

"Quick, Bai Ze, I can't hold on much longer! If I die, do you think the Lian Yao Luo family will not recognize the Lian Yao Pen and let you go Did you not see what happened to that mantis"

At this moment, the lower half of Jiang Yun's body has completely vanished, replaced by a cloud of mist. His face is covered in scales, and even on his head, two bumps protrude slightly, like two horns about to grow!

Now, he has been reversed to at least 80% of the degree!

Eight out of ten demons!

Once his body fully transformed into a demon, the next thing that awaited him was the demonic refining power existing on this Reverse Demon Bridge!

First, they turn people into demons, and then with the power of demon refining, they refine them again. This is the horror of the Reverse Demon Bridge!

First published on the Traditional Chinese Novel Networks order and arrived by Liu Peng's side.After all, Liu Peng lacks cultivation, so he needs to be protected.Both Su Yang and Xing Mo were very dissatisfied with Xiao Litian's order at first, but after r...