Chapter 1194: Sealing His Path

selves and thus wouldn't be afraid of the Yaosh Shenzong cutting off their supply.And from Du Xinwu's words, it wasn't hard to hear that he had made up his mind. He not only wanted to kill Jiang Yun,...About Dao Zun's sudden departure and the nine quotas for entering the Zhengdao Leihai this time, Shen Qingyu and Lei Dong and others naturally knew it long ago.

Although they knew nothing about the origins of these nine people, since they had been chosen by the esteemed Daoist Master, it was not difficult to imagine that each one of them must be a prodigy with extraordinary talent.

As for Meng Guan, needless to say, even Shen Qingyu, who is also regarded as a prodigy, has to secretly admire Meng Guan's current strength.

Therefore, with Lei Bufan included, these eleven people are indeed the ones truly qualified to challenge the innate Lei Ti or Dao Ti within this righteous path Lei Hai.

As for the other tens of thousands of cultivators, at most they could only clear one or two blockages in their bodies. They weren't even good enough to be background characters.

Lei Dong and Shen Qingyu's divine senses easily found the nine people who were located in different places.

Although they entered the Thunder Sea the latest, at this moment, the amount of thunder absorbed by their bodies outside had already condensed into tangible thunderballs.

Through the thunderclap, one could even hear the muffled sounds coming from their bodies. This indicated that the blockages within them were gradually being cleared.

Even, their speed is faster than Lei BuFan.

This caused Lei Dong's worried expression to deepen. "If they succeed in achieving the Innate Thunder Body and Dao Body first, wouldn't Senior Brother have little hope"

"Survival of the fittest!" Shen Qingyu said nonchalantly.

"If it weren't for this anomaly, Bu Fan wouldn't have been qualified to enter this righteous thunder sea. Now that heaven has given him a chance, if he still can't beat the others, then it can only be said that he's just unlucky!"

Lei Dong nodded and said, "Big brother, what about Meng Guan"

"I suspect that Meng Guan is in that area!"

Lei Dong, of course, had already seen that area surrounded by Lei Ling, a hundred-zhang expanse that was the only open space here.

Although those Lei Spirits are powerful, they remain in fixed positions and never move.

"So what do we do now Should I bring people to storm this area To capture Meng Guan, or kill him"

Although Lei Dong's heart still held a lingering fear towards Meng Guan, .

Shen Qingyu shook his head and said, "No need. We don't need to do anything now. Just stay here to protect our junior brother and wait to see how many people can achieve the Innate Thunder Body or Dao Body after this righteous path thunder sea closes!"

Since Senior Brother has said so, Lei Dong naturally wouldn't have any objections. He also sat cross-legged beside Lei Bufan, gazing at the one hundred zhang area before them, silently waiting.

Shen Qingyu's guess was correct, Jiang Yun at this moment, was indeed within this hundred-zhang area.

However, he was unaware of everything happening outside, even the appearance of Lei Hai and the protection of hundreds of Lei Ling.

Now, his entire attention was focused on the nine-colored light orb held in his hand!

If Bai Ze were conscious right now, able to see the orb in Jiang Yun's hand, he would surely scream with excitement.

Because this thing is a piece of bamboo slip!

Seal the demon!

The Classic of Sealing Demons is a single scroll that has been passed down from ancient times.

However, for some unknown reason, they scattered apart, transforming into individual bamboo slips and spreading to various locations across this world.

And now, the seal demon scroll held in his hand was the third seal demon scroll that Jiang Yun had ever seen.

The first piece of the talisman, found within the Luo family in the Shan Hai Realm, contains a trace of the celestial spirit of a Taoist demon.

With the Luo family's downfall, this talisman also flew away on its own. However, because Lu Xiaoyu was inside it, Jiang Yun asked Lu Xiaoyu's grandfather, Lu Ao, to go after it. It is unknown if he found it or not.

The second seal of the demon-taming Daoist scripture is located in the Xia family within the chaotic and turbulent realm of Qingzhuo. Inside, there resides a blood-robed demon tamer and five spirits of demonic beasts. When Jiang Yun left the Qingzhuo chaotic realm, he did not take it with him.

Now, Jiang Yun never expected that he would actually see the third sealed demon inscription inside Lei Mu's body.

And unlike the previous two talismans, this one is completely empty!

The role of Feng Yaodao Jian is to seal the way for demons!

A demon cultivator writes the name of a demon onto a Daoist talisman, and it will directly become a Dao Demon.

The two pieces of dao talismans before, one was self-sealed by me, and the other although it was prepared by the Blood Robe Spirit Cultivator for a great demon to cleanse impurities, but it contained five dao spirit spirits.

And now this piece of talisman, it has absolutely no trace of energy on it at all. In other words, it's a blank talisman.

As long as a shaman possesses sufficient strength, they can inscribe the name of a certain demon onto their artifact, causing that demon to become a Dao Demon directly.

Although Gingercloud didn't know why the Thunder Mother had a demon-sealing talisman inside her, he hadn't seen the talisman appear in the scene just now.

Therefore, this piece of talisman should have been created after the suppression of Lei Mu by Daozun countless years ago. It is unknown for what reason it ended up inside Lei Mu's body.

Although Gingercloud doesn't know either, such a supreme life form as the Thunder Mother, whether she counts as human or demon, in Gingercloud's opinion, she should lean more towards the latter, after all, she is formed from thunder.

Gingercloud's third piece of the unknown, is if one were to treat Lei Mu as a demon, her identity, would it already be beyond that of a Dao demon, or hasn't she become one yet

The fourth thing Gingercloud didn't know was what Leimu's real name was.

But, Jiang Yun only knew one thing. Back then, when he listened to Xue Pao speak, if a Dao Yao was sealed by a demonic cultivator, he couldn't say for sure that it could allow the Dao Yao to exist eternally between heaven and earth, but at least it could change the form of life of the Dao Yao, thus allowing it to have a longer lifespan.

After all, to seal demons as one's way is akin to receiving recognition from this very heaven and earth.

Therefore, there would be a plethora of things even the Crimson Robes couldn't explain, perhaps it was luck, perhaps it was Dao power, able to merge within the bodies of sealed demons, thus helping them achieve the status of Dao Demons.

Since the dao demon has already merged with the dao, its lifespan is naturally much longer than that of other creatures.

Although Lei Mu's body has exploded, she is not completely gone. At least there is still a trace of her presence within this sea of lightning.

This is like a living being dying, but the soul has not yet gone to the underworld.

Because this was the only way Ginger Cloud could think of to prevent Lei Mu from falling completely, to seal her path!

If one could write the name of Lei Mu on this blank talisman, seal her as a daoyao (spirit being), and gain recognition from this world, then perhaps both Qiyun and Daoli could allow Lei Mu to continue living.

However, this approach is fraught with too much uncertainty.

Just like Jiang Yun's four unknowns, any miscalculation could lead to failure.

Furthermore, even today's Jiangyun would likely be unable to leave the name of Lei Mu on this demonic Dao decree.

After all, he couldn't even fully cast the Nine Arts of Refining Demons, let alone sealing the path for demons. The strength required would certainly be so powerful that even Jiang Yun couldn't imagine it.

But at this moment, Jiang Yun couldn't care about anything else. All he could think about was the only thought that remained in his mind: to keep Leimu alive.

He even forgot about the Nine Clan Dao Seal on his body, the reincarnation seal left by his grandfather, and the reason he had come to this righteous Thunder Realm after all his hardships!

Even if he ultimately fails in everything he does, he will try his best!

"If I don't save Lei Mu, my heart will forever be filled with guilt!"

Today, I will seal the path for Lei Mu!

First published on the Traditional Chinese Novels Networkcapable of dealing with Ginger Cloud.At this moment, he looked at Jiang Yun with a cold smile on his face: "Now that I'm out, you can let Sang Han go!"Ginger Yun said faintly, "There's one more person...