Chapter 1,159: Son of the Thunder Dao >

en the barren land and white mist began to light up at an extremely fast pace.And as the runes glowed, that shielding force weakened, allowing Jiang Yun's gaze to finally gradually see the wasteland.A...As the day when the Leihai will open, getting closer to the right path, the atmosphere inside Leijitian is becoming increasingly tense.

This elimination round has been truly remarkable, with a plethora of talented individuals emerging, unexpected upsets occurring frequently, and the competition reaching exhilarating heights, surpassing all previous years by far.

Among the five regions, astonishingly talented cultivators have emerged within each region.

Originally, people from the Lei Ming Dao Realm wanted to come. From their central region, the crazed cultivator Meng Guan who successfully advanced through a life-or-death duel was already an extremely impressive existence.

But to everyone's surprise, in the other four regions, people also succeeded in advancing through the death match. Furthermore, some regions had more than one person who achieved this. much so that some people even suspect that this time, the Righteous Path Thunder Realm deliberately let water go, and sent out disciples who were not strong in strength to guard the ring.

However, as the knockout stage heated up, such doubts vanished.

Amongst those cultivators who chose not to participate in the life-or-death arena, there gradually emerged one powerful figure after another. They rose to prominence through continuous bouts and trials.

Most of these cultivators were originally unknown. It's clear they are taking advantage of this opportunity presented by the Righteous Path Thunder Realm to show themselves off.

Their appearance also made everyone realize that there were so many powerful people within the Lei Ji Tian.

Naturally, these people, along with their backing clans, have become the focus of everyone's attention.

Moreover, some well-wishers analyzed the battle records, strength, cultivation realms, and other aspects of these individuals through comprehensive assessments. As a result, they finally selected three people who were most likely to enter the Righteous Path Thunder Sea.

These three people are from the Three Great Thunder Realms, respectively.

One is named Yang Chong, another is named Wei Heng, and the other is called Lei Bufan.

Among them, Lei Bufan is the favorite of everyone!

Before the knockout rounds, almost no one had heard of Lei Bufan's name, and he didn't choose to fight in the death arena. Instead, he participated in the competition round by round.

At first, he didn't attract much attention. But as he participated in more and more competitions, his fame gradually grew.

Because, all of his opponents were defeated by him with a single move, not a single exception!

Naturally, this aroused everyone's curiosity about him, and his origins gradually came to light.

...and the answer stunned everyone!

Lei Bufan, coming from the righteous Lei realm, is a direct descendant of Lei Ji Tianzhu.

Although he was not born with innate lightning powers, when he was born, the sky above him was filled with a churning sea of thunder, with tens of thousands of lightning bolts descending as if to celebrate his birth. Because of this, some called him the Son of the Lightning Dao.

His birth astonished the Heavenly Lord Lei Ji Tian, who personally named him and took him as a disciple, guiding his cultivation. He kept him hidden from the world, ensuring no one knew of his existence.

It turned out that Lei Bufan didn't disappoint Lei Jiutian. His cultivation journey was smooth sailing, and he didn't encounter the bottlenecks that almost every cultivator would face.

In less than a hundred years, he has already reached the peak of the Heavenly Blessing Realm, and it is even said that he has touched the threshold of the Thunder Dao.

He appeared in this world at this time because he actually already possessed the strength to enter the Dao Realm. However, in order to enter the Zhengdao Leihai, he always suppressed his cultivation.

Just wait to enter the Righteous Path Thunder Sea. After being tempered by the thunder sea, I will obtain the Innate Lightning Body, and then in one go, break through to the Dao Nature Realm.

Needless to say, Lei Bufan is no longer just a genius, he's practically a demon!

He could have directly obtained entry into the Zhengdao Leihai based on his status, but Lei Jiutian clearly intended for him to make a name for himself, so he allowed him to participate in the elimination tournament.

Besides these three, the other two powerful individuals came from the ordinary Daoist realm and also successfully advanced through the challenge of the Death Arena. However, Meng Guan was not included among them.

Unfortunately, Meng Guan's challenging process was too effortless, to the point where no one even knew how he defeated his opponents. It was impossible to analyze his overall strength, so we had to exclude him.

No matter how you put it, these strong contenders who emerged from the elimination rounds have invigorated the entire spirit of Lei Chi Tian. There is even greater anticipation for the upcoming qualification matches.

And this, in fact, is also one of the reasons why Lei Ji Tianzhu initially decided to open the Zheng Dao Lei Hai.

The opening of the once-in-a-century Righteous Path Thunder Sea is tantamount to a grand selection of talents within the Leiji Heaven.

Although most of them will ultimately still be unable to enter the Dao Lightning Sea, once they gain fame, their subsequent cultivation path will naturally be much smoother.

More importantly, the arrival of these fresh faces will allow Lei Jiutian to become even stronger.

Of course, Jiang Yun was completely unaware of these matters. He was entirely immersed in absorbing the Dao Source.

At the first level of the Dao Source, he stayed for three days but was unable to continue absorbing its energy. After leaving, he spent a day digesting what he had absorbed and then entered the second level of the Dao Source.

In this way, through continuous absorption and digestion, he is now standing in the fifth layer of the Dao Source!

Although his true strength had already far surpassed the realm of cultivation, leaving little room for improvement, the influx of so many Dao sources brought him no small surprise. It also deepened his understanding of Dao sources.

Dao Yuan, and cannot directly help you improve your cultivation realm, nor can it directly help you improve your strength.

In short, its role is to help you achieve enlightenment!

Through the layers of understanding gained through practice, you will be given corresponding benefits.

The most direct benefit is that any power related to the Dao, which Jiang Yun now wields, is even more powerful than before.

Moreover, several kinds of powers like fire, snow, and thunder that he commonly uses have allowed him to subtly touch upon the threshold of the Dao.

Although he doesn't feel the benefits of this too concretely at the moment, they will gradually become apparent when he enters the realm of seeking the Tao.

>Especially the realm of ultimate human-dao convergence, no matter how exceptional your talent or how much your strength surpasses your realm, to enter it, you must at least thoroughly comprehend one Dao and integrate that Dao with yourself.

Throughout history, although there have been people who have reached this realm, compared to the countless cultivators, they are a very small group.

As can be imagined, the difficulty of enlightenment is great.

And now, these Dao sources have already laid the foundation for Jiang Yun's enlightenment, making his future path to enlightenment much easier than that of other cultivators.

Besides the benefits, Ginger Cloud also felt the drawbacks, namely the nine-clan seal on her body!

Long ago, in the turbid and chaotic world of Qingzhao, when Jiang Yun encountered the blood-robed demonic cultivator, he realized that, like the blood-robe himself, he too was an existence incapable of enlightenment.

Blood Robe's inability to comprehend the Dao was unclear to Jiang Yun, but his own inability stemmed from the Nine Clans Dao Seal.

This Nine Clan Dao Seal not only prevented him from comprehending the Dao, suppressed his cultivation progress, but also obstructed his absorption of the Dao Source.

Of course, this made Jiang Yun even more eager to enter the Zhengdao Thunder Sea. He wanted to use the power of the Thunder Sea to break through the Nine Clans Dao seal in one fell swoop!

Without the constraints of the Nine Clans' Dao seal, Jiang Yun could truly achieve freedom.

When there were only three days left before the Thunder Sea opened, Jiang Yun finally opened his eyes and left Dao Yuan.

After digesting all the Dao sources, there is only one day left before the正道雷海 (Dao Lightning Sea) opens.

Rising to his feet, Jiang Yun waved his hand, dismantling the formations around him. He closed his eyes slightly and used his divine sense to scan his body, carefully checking for any overlooked weaknesses.

"No more! The righteous thunder sea, Meng is here!"

Once again opening his eyes, Jiang Yun let out a long breath. His eyes flashed with a gleam, and his figure vanished from its spot instantly.

Although Gingercloud checked with the utmost care, he did not notice that a subtle change had occurred within his Thunderclap Body.

First Release on Popular Novels Websited young man.Naturally, he was the one who received the message from Cheng Zu. He was also the leader of this second town's boundary.He also knew that the person who had just appeared and disappeared b...