Chapter 1027: Art of Sacrifice to Heaven

eyes."When the potency of the elixir is elevated to its peak by the water transformed from stones, although it can no longer improve the grade of the elixir, it can double its efficacy."Also, just no...Although Gu Bulao didn't notice the sudden standstill of time, he saw Dongfang Bo, who had just awakened, fall back into a coma. This caused his pupils to constrict slightly as he softly spoke, "Did something just happen"

"It's like something happened, but also like nothing happened at all."

"Answering him, naturally came the voices of the demonic horde: 'Gu Bulao, you just said that your master is unqualified, and you hope for another version of yourself to be a qualified master.'"

"And your disciple, while you had him slumbering, he still woke up. And he said that he, he felt himself..."

"For so long, you've kept secrets. Now, tell me what you know!"

Gu Bulao did not answer, but looked at the young boy. After a moment, he spoke: "My disciple's name is Dongfang Bo. And if I'm not mistaken, the general under Daozun's command should also be named Dongfang Bo!"

Voices within the demon horde followed, "I haven't met this commander myself, but I hear he is highly regarded by the Dao Lord. Even the destruction of several major clans was orchestrated by him during battles. His name is the same as your disciple's"

"Gu Bulao shook his head. "They aren't the same name, they... are fundamentally the same person! That commander, perhaps, is also my disciple!"

After a moment of silence, the voice grew angrier and said: "Gu Bulao, even if you want to deceive me, you should come up with a more plausible excuse. That commander's strength, even if it's not as good as yours or mine, can't be much worse!"

"How could he and your disciple be the same person, unless your disciple is his reincarnation"

"That's not right either," the voice continued, "Though your disciple is indeed a descendant of the Nine Clans, he is absolutely not from the Reincarnation Clan."

"No need to say more!" Gu Bulao interrupted, "Actually, if you want to know the answer, we can just go and see for ourselves."

"However, go back. But if you dare to lay a hand on another one of my disciples, don't blame me for getting rough!"

"The voice rang out once more: 'I know, you aren't truly here because of your doubts. You're here to protect the disciple you speak of, that Jiang Yun!'"

Gu Bulao did not reply. With a sweep of his sleeve, a gentle force enveloped the sleeping boy. He strode forward suddenly, heading straight for the battlefield between the Three Clans and the Temple of Godslaying.

Behind him, a massive horde of demons followed closely!


Except for Lü Lun, no one else on this battlefield had noticed the time standing still. Therefore, everything appeared perfectly normal to them.

After the Dao Zun was killed, that mysterious leader suddenly appeared, intending to kill Jiang Yun. This was both to avenge Dao Zun and to continue leading the Slayer of Gods Temple to victory in this great war.

Even Lü Lun was pondering the voice that had just spoken about how the illusion couldn't just end like that, completely unprepared for everything to return to normal so quickly.

Therefore, the mysterious commander's hand was about to fall on Jiang Yun's body. At this moment, Jiang Yun also opened his eyes.

Although Ginger Cloud provoked the five clans' sacred artifacts six times in a row, first subduing Sen Luo, then confronting Dao Zun's Ten Thousand Dao Palm, and finally directly killing Dao Zun, leaving him exhausted and falling into a coma.

But even in his unconscious state, his mind was still churning. Could the Daoist Master really have been killed so easily In this battle, would the three clans truly achieve ultimate victory

Just as the mysterious coach appeared, Jiang Yun also remembered the other party's existence. Therefore, he even woke up from his coma and painfully opened his eyes.

Although he had woken up, Ginger Cloud's condition was truly at its worst. His vision was blurry, and he could only vaguely see a figure standing before him, seemingly about to attack.

Besides, Ginger Cloud inexplicably felt a strange sense of familiarity towards this shadowy figure whose appearance she couldn't quite see.

But in his haste, Jiang Yun had no time to consider the other person's identity, nor did he have any strength to use. He only saw a vast sea suddenly appear above his head, directly facing the figure's palm.

This is not just a sea!

Above the sea, a giant mountain floated, shrouded in a thick blanket of white mist.

In the midst of the mist, streaks of golden lightning would occasionally flash.

Through the mist, one could see a mountain peak shaped like a palm standing within the mountains, a solitary, sword-like small peak standing alone, a forest standing tall, a snow cliff, and a black bridge connecting to the sky.

And, right in the middle of a giant mountain, there is a complete village!

This, naturally, is Ginger Cloud's blessed land!

A blessed land, can also be used as a weapon of attack, and at this moment, Jiang Yun, with no other way to protect himself, almost instinctively revealed his blessed land.

This was also the first time that everyone present, including Lu Lun, had seen Jiang Yun's blessed land so clearly, which left them all in shock.

Because this blessed land is too vast, it's simply a world of its own!

They had never seen a blessed land so vast and complex!

It's a pity that despite the magnificence of this blessed land, it is only a paradise for cultivators and pales in comparison to the power of the Nine Extinguishing Clans.

Therefore, in the eyes of everyone, even though Jiang Yun opened his eyes and displayed Fudi, such a move was no better than directly enduring the mysterious commander's palm.

Perhaps Jiang Yun wouldn't die under this palm.

But now, that mysterious commander's palm strike would undoubtedly shatter Jiang Yun's blessed land completely, reducing it to nothingness.

But once the blessed land is shattered, for cultivators, it is equivalent to the disappearance of their cultivation foundation.

Even if Jiang Yun didn't die, from then on, he would only be able to be a cripple.

Of course, he probably won't have any more after this.

However, to everyone's surprise, the mysterious head coach, who had descended with all his might, suddenly stopped his palm the moment it touched the vast ocean surface.

Even, the mysterious head coach stared blankly at the sea below, gazing into that massive mountain range, where a peak shaped like a sword stood tall. On his face, a hint of confusion and nostalgia gradually appeared.

Ginger Cloud, however, didn't care about any of that. Since the opponent had stopped attacking, he certainly wouldn't miss this precious opportunity, and his advance would not stop.


In a deafening roar, the surging sea slammed into the opponent. Meanwhile, Ginger Cloud took this opportunity, gritted her teeth, and forcefully stood up from the ground. She quickly pulled away from the opponent's reach.

Jiang Yun's blessed ground struck the opponent, but it was useless. It didn't even make the opponent's figure move slightly. They still stood there with a vacant expression, like a clay sculpture.

Taking a deep breath, Jiang Yun's hands moved rapidly, forming several hand seals which he slammed into the air, declaring loudly, "Invoke Heaven!"

Although Jiang Yun is now standing in the gap between worlds, not within any world, he also doesn't know if his Heaven-Consecrating Art will be effective.

But facing this mysterious head coach, Ginger Cloud's only option was to use the Heaven-Summoning Technique, a move he had never used before, and it was also his biggest trump card.


To Ginger Cloud's surprise, the Heaven-Offering Technique actually worked. A powerful force descended from the heavens and landed on him, instantly filling his body with strength.

Everything before his eyes, once blurred, finally came into focus, allowing him to clearly see the mysterious head coach standing before him.

At first glance, Jiang Yun's body trembled violently!

First published on the Chinese Novel Networktition truly begins, if you want to leave, there will be no opportunity!Mo Ze bowed to Leng Yi Chen and said, "Sir, this subordinate will never leave Tiangwai Tian. Even in death, I will die in Tiangw...