Chapter 1: Distress

aler.She's already three and a half... but her body is as weak as a two-and-a-half-year-old!Only to see Gu Nan's eyes were icy cold, staring at the little girl, and said word by word:"Do you know, my..."Dad... are you Dad Mom has been locked up by them!"

They want to take Nini's heart… Mom told me to call Dad… Please, Dad, save me!

On the peak of Kunlun Mountain, a strange phone call came in.

Hearing the girl's voice on the phone, tinged with a hint of crying, Ye Chen's eyes showed a hint of confusion.

"Little one, who are you"

"My name is Ye Yu Ning, my nickname is Ning Ning. My mother's name is Xia Qing Yue. Are you my father"


It was like a bolt from the blue, striking Ye Chen hard.

Summer is coming!

Five years have passed... he hasn't heard that name again.

In a moment, memories he had hidden deep in his heart surged forth like a tidal wave.

"Little wild child, who are you calling on the phone!"

Suddenly, a string of curses came from the phone, followed by a loud slap… The piercing sound that came through must have been Xiaoning’s phone being smashed.

"Who! Who dares to touch my daughter!!!"

At this moment, Ye Chen could no longer contain the murderous aura within him.


In an instant, the huanghuali wood lectern before Ye Chen shattered into powder.

Then Ye Chen abandoned everything and quickly rushed out of the classroom.


Upon seeing this, dozens of disciples below stood up all at once.

These dozens of disciples... include the undefeated Great Xia War God; a powerful warlord who dominates a small country; a wealthy tycoon rivaling a nation; a top-tier medical sage who can bring flesh back to bones; and even the ruthless Death God, Yama!

They are all Ye Chen's disciples.

Today, it should have been a day for the master to teach and enlighten his disciples. Yet, something unknown has made him so angry!


Only to see a man in full battle gear, with the five-star banner of the Great Xia War God on his shoulder, Chen Junlin roared angrily: "Quickly prepare a helicopter for my master... and pass on my order, 100,000 Dragon Riders stand by immediately, all available Boeing fighter jets, tanks, and armored vehicles should be mobilized at any time to fully support my master!!!"

Before the words left his mouth, Chen Junlin had already charged out.

"Damn it!"

Meanwhile, the hegemon of a certain country, his face contorted in rage, roared out, "Someone dares to anger my master! Pass down my order: deploy all mercenaries from the Triangle District... Unleash the full force of the nation against anyone who dares to provoke my master! They shall die!"

"Pass down my order, all disciples of Yaoshenggu must leave the valley immediately... Whether you are a physician or an alchemist, get out! Anyone who dares to defy my master is the mortal enemy of Yaoshenggu!!!"

"...Pass on my order, members of the Underworld Hall immediately abandon your current tasks and support our master... Yes, now put down all your tasks at once... No matter the gain or loss!!!"

"...Send my order, redirect all funds of the Tengri Group, eight trillion, to be available at my master's disposal at any time!!!"

"...Spread the word, contact all disciples of my master and tell them, my master has emerged from seclusion!!!"


Meanwhile, the Gu family in Jinling.

A two-and-a-half-year-old girl, was tied to the cold operating table.

The little girl was very thin and pale, tears still staining her face: "You took my blood... will you let me and my mother go now"

Next to the cold operating table was a soft Tempur-Pedic mattress.

A pale little boy lay on the bed, leaning against a female nurse's arms. His eyes were fixed intently on a little girl beside him.

Gu Nantian let out a cold snort, "…I really didn't expect it. Xia Qingyue's bastard child turned out to be Rh-negative blood as well!"

Rh negative blood is what people commonly call panda blood.

Thus, the little girl became Gu Nanfei's son's mobile blood bank.

Whenever the young boy was weak, Gu Nanfei would throw the young girl onto the cold operating table and take her blood.

Day after day, the little girl's body grew weaker and her face paler.

She's already three and a half... but her body is as weak as a two-and-a-half-year-old!

Only to see Gu Nan's eyes were icy cold, staring at the little girl, and said word by word:

"Do you know, my son has a congenital heart defect... I've long wanted to give him a new heart, but unfortunately, panda blood is very difficult to match with other hearts!"

"Especially, finding a panda's blood-red heart of the same size is even more difficult!!"

"Now it's good… you, little bastard, were born to be my son's blood bank and spare heart!!"

"Doctor Li, get to work! -- Drain her blood!!! And then, rip out her heart!!!"

By the last word, Gu Nanfei’s face was contorted like a demon, “This is the last time, drain more blood! After the surgery, my son’s body will be very weak and need a lot of blood to nourish him.”


Beside Gu Nanfei, a doctor wearing gold-rimmed glasses put on a mask expressionlessly.

Quickly taking the blood bag, he plunged the needle into the little girl's arm without hesitation.

Suddenly, scarlet blood was continuously being drawn out!

The little girl gritted her teeth and didn't cry out in pain. Her already pale face became even whiter.

Fifty milliliters, one hundred milliliters, … two hundred milliliters, five hundred milliliters!

The blood bag is full, and the withdrawn dosage has exceeded the amount an adult can donate.

However, Dr. Li did not remove the needle but instead changed to a new blood bag.... Fifty milliliters, one hundred milliliters,... five hundred milliliters.

After a few minutes, the three blood bags were all filled!

"Doctor... Yingying has no strength left."

"Ouch, please stop!"

The little girl looked up at Gu Nanyi helplessly, her big eyes filled with helplessness and pleading. "You've drawn so much blood, can you let Ningning go home now... Ningning misses mommy..."

Clearly, three-and-a-half-year-old Nini doesn't know what the heart means.

The little girl didn't quite understand what Gu Nanyi had just said. She thought that once she finished donating blood, she could go home!

"Hmph!" Gu Nanfei sneered, "A useless little bastard wants to go home After I dig out your heart, I'll go find Xia Qingyue... That woman, I've wanted to ravish her on the bed for a long time!"

Then, Gu Nanfei's face turned ferocious and he said to Dr. Li, "Doctor Li, get started, dig out the heart!"

Dr. Li nodded and took out the scalpel.

"Doctor, what are you going to do... I'm afraid, Ningning is scared."

Seeing the surgical knife glowing blue and Dr. Zhao's icy eyes, Xiaoning began to panic.

She helplessly looked at Gu Nansfei, starting to wail and plead, “Níngníng is so scared, Níngníng is so cold. Please, please take Níngníng back to see mom…”

Gu Nanfei ignored her, instead focusing on the little boy beside him, his face full of love. "Son, don't be afraid later, after this surgery, you'll have a healthy heart."


The little boy looked at his father, his eyes flashing with excitement. "Hurry up and take out her heart, give it to me!"

The next second, a sharp surgical knife sliced open Xiaoning's chest.

The blade slashed through flesh, making a "sizzling" sound.

"Ouch ouch ouch! Ningning it hurts so much…"

Scarlet blood flowed out, Xiao Ning cried out in pain. Her pale and delicate face was covered in sweat. She wanted to struggle, but she was tightly bound to the bed and couldn't move.

"Mommy... come quickly and save Nini, Nini hurts."

"Mommy! Save Ningning……Daddy, Daddy, where are you"

"Ningning it hurts so much... Come quickly and save Ningning!"

The intense pain and massive blood loss quickly sent Ning into a semi-conscious state. At this moment, all she craved was her mother, and...her father whom she had never met!!da's blood-red heart of the same size is even more difficult!!""Now it's good… you, little bastard, were born to be my son's blood bank and spare heart!!""Doctor Li, get to work! -- Drain her blood!!!...