Chapter One: Go Has Become Popular!

d him towards the backyard.Fang Jue's body trembled, he clutched his heart and hurriedly ran towards the back with the maid.In a bedroom of the main building, Fang Xing woke up. He struggled to move h...Fang Xing was very excited. As a working stiff, he actually won a five-day national holiday trip!

"Can I exchange it for money" Fang Xing sat in the cramped rental house, eagerly awaiting a response from the other end of the phone.

"Sorry, sir, no!"

Fang Xing, still unwilling to give up, continued to ask: "Can I give this opportunity to someone else" He had already made up his mind. The little Liu in the same workshop had always dreamed of traveling abroad. As long as he offered a 50% discount, the guy would definitely agree.

“Sorry, I can't! This award is tied to the certificate, so only the person involved has the right to it.”



Three days later, New York City.

Following the guide, Fang Xing walked lazily behind. On his left was New York Harbor, a major port with an annual throughput of hundreds of millions of tons.

In August, bonfires blazed on the waterfront. Several large ships were docked there, and trucks, like industrious bees, ferried cargo from the vast warehouses to the vessels.

"Wow! There are so many warehouses, they're huge!" A middle-aged woman pointed at the rows of warehouses in amazement, then was stunned by the loading yard and container yard.

A man on the side proudly explained, "This is the nation's largest port. Food, daily necessities, and all kinds of industrial products come in and out here. This place holds millions of tons of goods."

At this moment, a refrigerated truck drove from the wharf towards the warehouse. Its rear had a large black spot, like an ominous void. And when viewed from the side, this black spot seemed to extend directly across the sea, connecting to an unknown point beyond the horizon.

The darkness grew larger and larger in place, engulfing everything around it.

"Oh! There's a ghost, run!" The first to notice the anomaly, he bolted in the opposite direction with an agility that belied his portly physique.

"Run!" People at the dock and in the tour group were all fleeing, Fang Xing was no exception.

The speed of the black expansion is accelerating, quickly engulfing the entire warehouse district, and then the junkyard...

"I'm a short-distance running champion, you guys wait. Uh..." Fang Xing didn't start running until he reached the back of the queue, but Hei came...


During the Yongle reign, Beiping — from now on, it will always be called Beiping to avoid any conflicts with harmonious names!

The former official in charge of personnel affairs, Fang Hongjian, has passed away and was laid to rest today.

As a man dismissed by the emperor, Fang Hongjian was only thirty-five years old when he died of despair. For his funeral, his only son, Fang Xing, truly filial, even sold their main house to make it a respectable affair.

It just so happened that on the day they had finished the funeral rites, a man arrived at their door despite the taboo.

After the satisfied person walked away with the documents and letter, a sharp … came from the Fang residence, which was about to be moved out.

"Come quickly! The old man has fainted!"


Three years later...

To observe filial piety for three years is something that every dutiful son should do. But Fang Xing, who moved out of the Fang Residence and to a small farm on the outskirts of Beiping, was very happy because he had been living in a daze and didn't need to follow those complicated rituals.

This small village had over three hundred mu of land and employed more than forty households. The land was fertile, but the people were not very stable in their hearts.

In a courtyard of three buildings, a man in his forties was directing two servants to remove the mourning articles at this time.

"Master Butler, the Master has woken up! The Master has woken up!"

A maid in green armor ran over with excitement, her face flushed. She was holding a bowl full of beef. Ignoring any gender distinctions, she grabbed the middle-aged man's sleeve and pulled him towards the backyard.

Fang Jue's body trembled, he clutched his heart and hurriedly ran towards the back with the maid.

In a bedroom of the main building, Fang Xing woke up. He struggled to move his stiff limbs and looked at the ancient and fragrant room with fear.

"Where am I I thought I was outside New York Harbor."

Looking at the pale and thin arms, and then at the long hair, Fang woke up from his depression.

"Grandpa, are you really awake Xiao Bai, if you're lying to me, I...I..."

After a few footsteps, a middle-aged man rushed in. When he saw Fang Xing sitting by the bed, tears streamed down his face.

"Grandfather! Woooooo!"

Seeing the two men in ancient attire kneeling on the ground and weeping, Fang woke up in shock.

Could it be that I've traveled through time

And he's still grandpa

Fang Xing's eyes rolled, and he put on a 'kind' smile, shaking his hand out to help them up. "Get up, I feel a little dizzy."

The middle-aged man, excited, rushed to help Fang Xing up and said, "Master, you've been in a daze for three years, of course you would be dizzy!"

Fang Xing felt a surge of joy in his heart: "But I seem to have forgotten many things!"

"Grandpa, as long as you wake up, I'll tell you about everything you forgot."


After half a day, Fang Xing was tired. Fang Juelin and Xiaobai also said they were tired, so he let him rest.

Lying in bed, Fang woke up from his sleep and was incredibly excited.

The original owner here, despite having beef and soup every day for three years, even occasionally with ginseng soup, finally followed his father today. This has made things cheaper for Fang Xing who came from the port of New York.

During the Yongle era, Fang Xing realized that it was the reign title of Emperor Yongle. However, at this time, the capital of the Ming Dynasty was in Nanjing, while Beijing was still known as Beiping.

The original owner was already grieving over her father's passing. To make matters worse, on the last day of the funeral, she was called off by her fiancé. The result was that she was overwhelmed and fell into a stupor.

"I'm actually the grandpa!" Fang Xing excitedly raised his thin right hand, wanting to take a bite and see if he was dreaming.

"Wow! What's this I don't have a tattoo!"

On Fang Xing's right arm, a very noticeable anchor pattern stood out. Fang Xing’s eyes narrowed, and he took a bite out of it.

"Ouch! That hurts!"

Gradually waking up, I found myself in a vast space filled with things. Rows upon rows of warehouses, stacks of containers...

"Wow! What is this place"

Fang Xing was a little afraid. He walked his hands and feet to the door of a warehouse, and with one push, the door opened.

This is a refrigerated storage room, with white mist hanging in the air. Large chunks of beef are neatly stacked inside.

Fang Xing picked up a piece of beef. In June's weather, the icy beef made his hands numb.

"How come the ice here hasn't melted yet" Fang Xing felt very surprised, and then went to another warehouse. This one stored rice, and it was Thai fragrant rice.

After looking at more than ten warehouses in a row, Fang Xing was stunned. He walked to an office next to the warehouse, but a greater shock awaited him.

On the desk in his office sat a cup of coffee. As soon as he reached for it, the coffee was hot.


To his surprise, Fang Xing just cursed and found himself back on the carved wooden bed.

"This can't be an illusion, can it" Fang Xing bit down on the anchor again without hesitation.

"I'm back again! Hahaha!" Standing in this vast space, Fang Xing laughed triumphantly, crossing his arms.

Next, Fang Xing tested the ability to bring things in and out. Sure enough, after a thought, he could bring things out and also bring things in.

Fang Xing was shaking with excitement, staring at the frozen beef in his hand. "Big brother has made it! Big brother has made it!"

...and in a place he couldn't see, there was also a warehouse and containers stacked high. Those blocky characters displayed where they came from… proudly explained, "This is the nation's largest port. Food, daily necessities, and all kinds of industrial products come in and out here. This place holds millions of tons of goods."At this moment,...