chapter 664

aid in a quiet voice.Su Xi looked at him in amazement. "Shang Pin Royal Court""mm-hmm." Qin Jun nodded. "what's the matter"Su Xi shook his head guiltily, "No."Qin Jun drove with one hand and gave her...Chapter 664

Xu Yiyi said slowly, "for some time, Director Wang and I dined with Shen Shao at the 9th mansion. Shen Shao took Su Xi there. It seemed that the two were very close. Shen Shao even asked for a sweet dessert for Su Xi in the Chen family's hand, just because she had a sweet tooth."

he Nianyao suddenly remembered the back of the girl she saw in the dessert shop one day and squinted and asked, "is it Huatian dessert shop"

Xu Yiyi nodded, "this is it!"

for a moment, she Nianyao overturned the vinegar jar, sour and astringent. She clenched her teeth secretly. She hated it and pretended not to care. She sneered, "I wasn't with Shen Shao at that time. Even if she had been with Shen Shao, she would still be a piece of junk that Shen Shao didn't want later! "

Xu Yiyi said with a smile, "Shen Shao was very kind to her at that time, but no matter how good it is, it's a thing of the past. Don't take it to heart."

"mm-hmm." He Nianyao nodded absent-mindedly.

"the two of us have a play against each other. I'll get ready first, and you should change your clothes as soon as possible." Xu Yiyi got up and said, "I'll go first!"

after Xu Yiyi left, he Nianyao's face sank, called her assistant and asked, "which one is Su Xi"

the assistant took her out, pointed to the girl who was arranging her clothes and said, "that's it!"

he Nianyao looked at Su Xi's silhouette and became more and more familiar with it. She was almost certainly the girl she saw at the Huatian dessert shop that day.

"what does she do in the crew"

"is the assistant dresser."

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she rolled her eyes and told her, "get me the assistant director."

"Oh!" The assistant responded and left.

because the financier behind he Nianyao is Shen Ming, the deputy director dared not neglect him. When he Nianyao called him, he immediately ran over and said with a smile, "Miss he, what can I do for you"

he Nianyao asked, "I'm going to shoot my part soon. Where are my clothes"

Deputy Director Liang turned around and called Su Xi over. "Su Xi, help Miss he choose a set of clothes for filming in the afternoon."

Su Xi answered and quickly brought over a suit of clothes. "this is Miss he's size."

he Nianyao stared at Su Xi all the time and suddenly smiled, "your name is Su Xi"

Su Xi nodded. "Yes, I'm the assistant dresser for the crew. Miss he can call me if you need anything."

he Nianyao looked at her and saw that she was wearing a rice-white sweater, slender and symmetrical, and her features were even more delicate. She became more and more jealous. She turned to the deputy director and said, "I think Su Xi is very smart. Let her be my assistant."

Deputy Director Liang was stupefied. "Miss he, I'm afraid this won't work. Su Xi is an assistant costume designer, and she is from the Arctic Design Studio. She has a cooperative relationship with our crew."

he Nianyao slumped into a chair and said, "I don't care, I'll let her be my assistant. If you don't want to, I won't shoot."

the deputy director secretly scolded in his heart, what kind of important role do he think he is I can't believe you threatened the crew with no film.

if it wasn't for Shen Ming, who knew here woman coldly. "do you really think I'm a fool who doesn't know anything"he turned his eyes and suddenly smiled. "since Qi Xiao knows, do you want to try it""not interested!" Qi Shuyun said, "I've be...