Chapter 3905

by the time he came back, the medicine in the bottle was almost finished. He carefully pulled out the needle for Wei Qingning and touched her forehead.he heaved a long sigh, opened her wardrobe, found...Chapter 3905

Bo Yingjiu raised her eyebrows and said, "Sorry, I don't understand what Miss he said!"

Shen Ming smiled and looked back at Bo Yingjiu. "who does Miss Bo look like" Why didn't I see that "

he Nianyao sneered and said nothing.

she has a grudge against Shen Ming. At first, Shen Ming first pursued her, but later she was almost wiped out because of Su Xi.

Shen Ming has not been in Jiangcheng in recent years, and the past has gradually faded, but as long as she sees Shen Ming and thinks of Shen Ming, her hatred seems to have never disappeared.

she can't compare with Su Xi, so the resentment shifts to Bo Yingjiu, who is similar to Su Xichang. The more she looks at her, the more disagreeable she is!

Shen Ming's cell phone suddenly rang. He picked it up and answered it with a smile. "it's already here. OK, I'll be right there!"

he put away his phone and said to he Nianyao, "I have something to do. Please take care of Miss Bo for me!"

he seemed a little worried and told him, "Miss Bo is my friend. Take good care of her!"

he Nianyao looked at Shen Ming in amazement. He should know that he didn't like Bo Yingjiu and let her take care of her.

what does he mean

Shen Ming confessed to Bo Yingjiu again and turned away.

as soon as he left, he Nianyao's friends quickly gathered around.

Shen Ming looked back and walked slowly towards the second floor with his thin lips bent in a cool arc.

"Shen Shao"

Sun Cong let out a cry of delight and walked quickly towards him.

over the past few years, Sun Cong has taken over the family business. He is no longer the second ancestor who fooled around with Shen Ming all day. His eyebrows are a little more stable, but when he sees Shen Ming, he subconsciously smiles with a bit of respect.

"they are all here, waiting for Shen Shao in the private room!"

Shen Ming said with a smile, "I don't have much time. I have to have a drink with you and I have to go!"

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"it's not easy to get back, what's the hurry" Sun Cong said with a smile, "the rest of the game has been arranged. If you leave, what's the point"

Shen Minggang was about to speak when a message came in from his mobile phone. When he opened it, the man's eyes flashed softly.

after reading the news, he looked up and smiled and said, "I can't have another drink. Tell everyone for me, and I'll arrange it another day!"

with that, he turned around and left.

"Shen Shao" Sun Cong shouted, but saw Shen Mingtou did not return, hurried away.

Sun Cong knows who sent the message, and only that person can make Shen Ming so desperate to see her!

he suddenly remembered Shen Ming's birthday a few years ago, when the girl came in with a cake for Shen Ming's birthday, but finally left with Ling Jiuze.

at that time, he vaguely felt that there was something wrong with Shen Ming, but he didn't expect that he fell into a pit called Su Xi and never came up again!


in the lounge on the second floor, Shen Ming knocked on the door gently, pushed the door in, and saw a girl in a light blue dress sitting on a huge lazy sofa, holding her cell phone and making a phone call.

has been around for more than seven months, and her belly is obviously one circle bigger than the last time he saw her, but she still looks slim, with a fuller face and more lovely.

her thick ink hair was loosely tied up, her eyebrows were delicate and cold, and when she saw him enter the door, she looked up at him and dropped again.

at the same time he also heard her soft voice,

"Don't come, you'll be back soon."

"OK, got it!"

with such a good voice, you can tell who you are talking to.

Shen Ming leaned his back against the sofa and put his hands in his trouser pockets, looking at her lazily, with regret in his coquettish eyes. I'm afraid he won't hear her talk to him like that for the rest of his me brother." Jiang Chen coaxed in her ear."Brother,"" very well, yell again. ""Sam, Brother!""Qingning, I've been waiting for you for a long time!"waiting does not know when it began, and gradual...