Chapter 3111

e does not want to see her daughter plunge into it like this.Su Xi warmly said, "Yinuo is not a brain in love. She has been in love before. When she knew that the other person had cheated and betrayed...Chapter 3111


in the distance, Ling Jiuze looked at Ling Yinuo riding a horse, frowning.

before Ling Yinuo and Si Yan went out together, he thought their relationship had made progress. Unexpectedly, only a few days later, he took a sharp turn for the worse.

Su Xi whispered, "would you like to find an opportunity for two people to have a good chat"

she thinks differently from others. She doesn't think that Shi Yan has no feelings for Ling Yinuo. Maybe he doesn't realize it.

she knows Si Yan better than anyone else.

Ling Jiuze is not optimistic about the two. "Yinuo is very clear about his feelings. It is Si Yan who has been rejecting her, and it is useless to talk about it!" No matter whether Si Huan likes Yi Nuo or not, he takes care of it in his heart, which shows that his feelings for Yi Nuo are not deep! "

it is not at all necessary to make a promise, which is unfair to one promise.

he said quietly, "Yinuo has been in love with Si Yan for so many years, so it should be enough. If this incident can wake her up and let go of this relationship, it is not necessarily a bad thing!"

Su Xi thought about Yinuo's efforts and grievances. Unable to refute Ling Jiuze's words, Su Xi nodded faintly. "I hope Yinuo can come out as soon as possible!"

Ling Jiuze looked back, leaned over and kissed her lips, and her eyes gradually softened. "I didn't sleep well last night. Do you want to find a place to have a rest"

is surrounded by people. Su Xi is still a little unaccustomed to making out in such a place.

"you'd better accompany Yinuo. She has just been lovelorn. Can you stop showing love and stimulating people"

Ling Jiuze chuckled, "Ling's people are not that fragile!"

Su Xi shrugged and changed the subject. "I want an iced soda!"

Ling Jiuze frowned, "replace soda with juice!"

"OK, but I want it cold!"

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the man went to get her juice.

when Su Xi looked at Yinuo's figure, he still felt some regret.

it rained yesterday. Today the weather is not cool, but rather muggy. Su Xi feels a little uncomfortable and wants to drink something cold.

if she asked Chilled Juice at first, someone would not agree and could only use a few tricks.

she took a deep breath and tried to exhale the accumulated sulk from her chest, but the hot and dry air seemed even more uncomfortable.


after two days, not on weekends, there are not many guests at the hot pot restaurant at noon.

after Su Xi went in, he found a quiet seat and sat down. Wang Bin came to order and was pleasantly surprised to see that it was Su Xi. "Miss Su!"

Su Xi smiled faintly, "want to eat hot pot, by the way to see your boss."

Wang Bin nodded hurriedly. "you order and I'll call our boss!"

Su Xi ordered and asked casually, "does that Chen Ting come here often"

Wang Bin understood it as soon as he heard it, and truthfully replied, "since I came on Saturday, I have come again on Sunday. Our boss turned a deaf ear to others, and Miss Chen sat for a while and left."

Wang Bin added, "No one can stand the boss's temper except Xiao Nuo!"

"persuade him!"

Su Xi gave Wang Bin the menu and said with a smile, "I see!"

"then I'll prepare food for you. I'll be right there!"


Wang Binxing rushed to the kitchen and reported to Si Yan, who stewed bones for Big Meow in the kitchen, "here comes Miss Su!"

Si Yan looked up and his eyes slipped through.

he asked Li Wen to watch the bone stew pot and carried a pot of scented tea into the lobby.indness and yearning in his smile. "Auntie!"Su Xi's eyes were also full of joy. "I'll take you to see Yun Yao.""good!" Ling Yihang nodded expectantly.his eyebrow is full of youthful spirit, calm and c...