chapter 1037

vance. If your brother marries her, it will be even more cruel for him to know the truth after the baby is born."Qingning nodded in a choking voice, "Yes, it's better to be sober than confused!"Jiang...Chapter 1037

"mostly skin care products, there are two brands of makeup, I will choose a few good brands to talk to them, as for endorsement fees, naturally can not be less than Zhang Ya, now your popularity is higher than her!" Sister Mi calculated.

Tang Han smiled and said, "well, as long as you look, I believe you!"

Sister Mi smiled even more happily. "well, you've been tired all day. Have an early rest. I have to go to the set to shoot tomorrow morning."

"it doesn't matter. I won't have my play until noon tomorrow. I can go there later!"

"then go to bed early and keep in good shape!"

"OK, good night!"

Tang Han put down his phone, poured himself a glass of wine and turned around happily.

satisfaction and vanity reached their climax for a moment!

she couldn't bear to be happy today. She chose the best one from all the photos and sent it to Ling Jiuze.

then she drank up the wine in her glass and looked out of the window at the bustling night scene. Her eyes were full of expectation. She wanted to be the hottest star in the entertainment industry and have the best man in the world!

she wanted what Su Xi had before, and she also wanted what Su Xi didn't have!

Tang Han was so excited that he fell asleep at two o'clock in the morning, when she won the best picture in her dream. On the podium, Ling Jiuze suddenly came over with a huge diamond ring in his hand and asked her to marry him!

all the people stood up and applauded and cheered. She smiled happily and was about to say yes to Ling Jiuze when suddenly a hasty bell came from somewhere. Ling Jiuze hurriedly turned around. Ling Jiuze was gone, and everyone around her was gone, only a vast expanse of whiteness.

Tang Jie woke up abruptly, opened his eyes for a while, only to find that he was sleeping on the bed. It was already dawn, and the cell phone next to him was ringing desperately.

Tang Han picked up his phone impatiently and said, "Hello"

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"Han Han, where are you there's something wrong!" There was a hint of anxiety in Sister Mi's voice.

"what's the matter" Tang Han sat up, still with the irritability of being woken up.

"early this morning, Arctic Studio posted a Weibo message, saying that ing has never designed a dress for any star, so go and have a look. Now fans are coming to your Weibo to question, the Internet is a mess!"

Tang Han suddenly woke up and took a nap, then ran out of bed and turned on the computer.

she didn't dare to log on to her Weibo. She went in as a tourist and went under her Weibo first. Sure enough, it was a mess. All the people were asking her why she lied.

Tang Han refrained from being flustered and went to the Weibo of the Arctic Design Studio.

the official microblog of the Arctic posted on Weibo at 5: 00 this morning, with two simple words, both pointing the finger at her!

after all, she said yesterday that the interview video of ing designing her own dress is still on popular search.

"Sister Mi, what should I do" Tang Han looks ugly.

Sister Mi was also a little worried. "I didn't expect that the Arctic Design Studio would jump out!"

that dress was designed by ing, and people in the Arctic design studio must know that, in theory, the effect that Tang Han showed up at the party yesterday is also a beneficial thing for the Arctic design studio, so they can't figure out why the Arctic design studio came out to blame Tang Han at this time.

and now the Internet has made a fuss, mocking Tang Jiao's popularity of ing, hypocrisy and liar. In the past, sweet and frank people completely collapsed.

yesterday was praised by the whole network, but today is already an one-sided crusade.

it was not a big deal, but it just so happened that ing was being discussed by the whole network these days, coupled with the fact that there was a water army behind it, which suddenly put Tang Han at the forefront of the storm.ctly, knowing that he and Su Xi had indeed been kidnapped, buzzing in his head, shaking his body and almost falling down.she tried to calm her mind and asked who kidnapped Yihang. What's going on noww...