home Science fiction Scarlet Robe Murder
  • Scarlet Robe Murder
  • author: September's Bur update: 2024-09-22
  • state: serialized
  • The maidservant listened with a touch of melancholy: “She has lived in the Marquis’s manor for ten years now, from the age of seven to seventeen. She's always been by the Marquis's side...” 。How many decades are there in a human life You're already so grown up. How will we talk about marriage in the future 。The maid of the lake-green attire, whose name was Bi Jia, seemed displeased for some reason. She pouted and said, "Can the Lord still look at another man's wife Don't feel sorry for him; his life is better than ours. Who knows, we might even have to call him 'Master' one day." 。"Hush!" the red maidservant hurriedly reminded her companion, gesturing for silence. 。A maid in a blue satin jacket emerged from the main room, pulling back the curtain just as she came face-to-face with them. 。,Just so happens that Wang Yanqing is about the same age as Fu Tingzhou, so Fu Yue placed the two children beside each other and personally raised them. 。Speaking of this, there's actually another case... 。Fu Yue often fought on the battlefield for years at a time, going home only after several years of war. 。Fu Yue's son, Fu Chang, was spoiled by his elderly wife. Later, he moved to the capital and had a son with the Marquis's son. Gradually, he developed a bad habit. 。After Fu Yue was transferred back to the capital from Datong, seeing his son sleep in flowers and willows, gamble and ride horses wildly, he was furious. 。But by then Fu Chang was nearly thirty. What use was there in trying to change him Fu Yue had beaten and scolded him, but nothing worked. Unable to correct him any further, he chose to ignore him and focused on teaching his grandson instead. 。These years, his battles have been arduous. He must absolutely not let the vast family business fall into the hands of prodigal grandchildren. 。Luckily, Fu Tingzhou is still young, so it's not too late to teach him now. 。Wang Yanqing arrived at the Fu family at this time. 。Fu Yue let Fu Tingzhou and Wang Yanqing address each other as siblings, personally teaching them reading and martial arts. In his spare time, he took Fu Tingzhou to visit colleagues and comrades-in-arms, tidying himself up a little bit... 。Wang Yanqing understood his position very well. He was the son of Fu Yue's subordinate, and he was far from the Fu family. 。Fu Yue remembered the kindness of saving his life and wanted to raise the child by his side, but he had to understand that Fu Yue was teaching his grandson, just as a side effect. 。So Wang Yanqing studied very diligently, Fu Tingzhou learned whatever he learned, never complaining. 。When Fu Tingzhou went to the training ground, his maidservants all said that Wang Yanqing, as a young lady, shouldn't endure such hardship. But Wang Yanqing remained silent and insisted on continuing. 。The Wang family were military households, serving in the army for generations. As a result, marriage was very difficult to arrange, often confined within the small circle of military households. 。Wang Yanqing's grandmother and mother were both daughters of military families. Datong Prefecture was one of the nine major fortified towns on the border, guarding the capital city. It was constantly in conflict with the Mongols, resulting in a tough and warlike culture. Whether it was men or the elderly, they could go from tilling the fields with a hoe to wielding a knife in the next second. Even children were raised to be brave and skilled in combat. 。Wang Yanqing was raised in Zhongchang, enduring much more hardship than his peers. The noble families of the capital thought their lives were miserable, but they had never endured what Wang Yanqing went through. 。,Fu Tingzhou is going to marry the eldest daughter of Yongping Hou. What about that。

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