chapter 707

nd others.the big guy on his street has his own soon as he opened his mouth, he made Yun Lan and others chill all over his body.the three of Yun Lan shivered and focused their attention on...Chapter 707

soon, accompanied by Ye Yuanjia and Ye to get sick, Tang Rentu walked to the position specially left in the middle.

Ye Yuanjia smiled and said, "Commander Tang! This is a seat specially reserved for you, and no one dares to sit on it except for you. "

"Please, Chief Tang!" Kong Wenqiu, the second-in-command of Lingnan, also compared a gesture of invitation, smiling.

it is also necessary for him to maintain a good relationship with Tang Rentu.

but when Tang Rentu heard this, he did not open his mouth, but frowned slightly.

at the moment, he did not sit down, nor did he do anything else, but looked at the seat in front of him, his eyes unpredictable.

at this moment, everyone panicked a little bit.

people in the Ye family, in particular, are a little confused about what's going on.

such a big shot, even the Ye family, needs to be treated with caution.

so even one thought is enough for them to guess for half a day.

at this moment, some members of the Ye family sighed in their hearts.

if it was three years ago, when that man was in power, and the Ye family was in its heyday, why should it be so respectful

even if the bigwigs of Yanjing, Jinling, Suzhou and Hangzhou, Mordu, Port City and Las Vegas come, do they need to be like this

however, these thoughts soon disappeared from the minds of the Ye family.

Today is so important that it means that the Ye family can become the real ceiling of Lingnan Province as it did three years ago, so that no one dares to covet this position.

this is called caring chaos.

Ye went to get sick and frowned at Ye Yuanjia, but did not open his mouth.

Ye Yuanjia took a deep breath, then smiled and said,

"Tang Leader I don't know. What's the problem The old man may be able to solve your doubts. "

"did you just say that this position is the most honorable and important position in the audience"

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Tu frowned and said.

although Ye Yuanjia had doubts, he nodded and said, "Yes, this position is the most important in the guest seat. We specially left it."

A smile appeared on Tu Yan's face and said, "if that's the case, I'm not qualified to sit in this seat. I just deserve to sit next to it."

as soon as this remark came out, the whole audience was gasped and shocked.

"what Commander Tang is not even qualified to sit here Then who is qualified Is it the leader of Lingnan "

"but the leader of Lingnan is here, and at best he is on an equal footing with the leader of Tang Dynasty"

"is he the commander of the Lingnan Army"

"No, even if he is, his status will not be higher than that of the Tang leader."

"is that the ancestor of Lingnan Road The legendary old gentleman "

"are you kidding me since when do you dare to be on an equal footing with people in the army and officials"

Ye Yuanjia and Ye Yuanjia looked at each other quickly.

after going through all the guests in his mind, Ye Yuanjia said helplessly, "Don't make fun of us, Commander Tang."

"in our opinion, you are the most honorable person in the room, and only you are qualified to sit here."

Tang Rentu still shook his head and said, "No, I really don't deserve to sit here!"

"huh Then Chief Tang, please tell me, who else is qualified I don't understand! "

Ye Yuanjia was puzzled. He thought of Ye Hao for a time, but he quickly denied it.

three years ago, he might be able to sit in this place.

but now he is just a stray dog.

even if he comes back in a high profile, the Ye family is just vigilant and doesn't really take him seriously.for Rudolph's team to be able to get the original solution that turns into water, analyze the ingredients by means of modern science, and prepare the corresponding means of detoxification.just as Ye H...