Chapter 6837-No apology

I'm sorry.""bang!""Guo Da Shao, do you think everything will be all right if you say you're sorry"Ye Hao gave a series of merciless slaps in the face, causing Guo Yingzi's head to bleed and the corne..."I warn you, it's best to get down on your knees and kowtow and slap yourself a hundred times!"

"it's over!"

"otherwise, I'm afraid you'll have no place to die!"

Haina opened her mouth and grinned at Ye Hao at the moment, feeling like she wanted to bite Ye Hao to death.

it is obvious that in Haina's understanding, she can't cut Baifeng, but she can always kill Ye Hao.

after all, she is very familiar with the appearance of the older and younger generations in Jiecheng.

Ye Hao is so new that he doesn't fall into the category of big shots in any way.

and Chen Keke also looked up and down at Ye Hao and said coldly, "to be a man, you must have self-knowledge."

"the world is hierarchical."

"there are rules that cannot be touched casually."

"some people can't be offended and offended casually!"

"in a word, in a word, if you want to do something for others, you have to see how much ability you have!"

"Don't lose your head before it comes out."

Today, the two sides are completely torn apart, not only related to the distribution of interests of Yuehailou, but also to the issue of Chen Tiangang's supremacy in the future.

so at this moment, Chen Keke simply tore his face with Dao Baifeng.

she would like to see how Dao Baifeng can turn over under such circumstances.

when she heard Chen Keke's words, Dao Baifeng still didn't make any move, but began to drink tea on her own.

she believes that as long as Ye Hao acts, then the matter will be solved.

"you should be lucky that I always have a bottom line, that is, I don't kill women."

"otherwise, you would have been a corpse by now."

at this moment, Ye Hao ignored the hustle and bustle of Haina, but squinted at Chen Coco, the wind light cloud light mouth.

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"however, capital crimes can be avoided, but living crimes cannot be escaped."

"just like your dog said."

"kneel, kowtow, apologize, admit your mistake."

"that's it."

Ye Hao's words are indifferent and without the slightest murderous spirit, but for some reason, they contain an unspeakable chill and murderous spirit.

Chen Keke was stupefied for a moment, then sneered: "son of a bitch, are you threatening me"

after saying this, her eyes fell to the color of Dao Baifeng: "you mustn't tell me that this is what you call the man of destiny!"

"if it is, I'll kill her by mistake, but I'll be in trouble."

obviously, Chen Keke also guessed the identity of Ye Hao, but she didn't pay much attention to it.

in her opinion, Ye Hao is just the guy that Dao Baifeng used as a shield.

when it is used up by Dao Baifeng, it is likely to be abandoned neatly.

therefore, at this time, Chen Keke has already begun to think about whether to directly kill Ye Hao, which can also be regarded as helping his eldest brother solve some problems.

Ye Hao, as if he didn't recognize the meaning of these words, tilted his head and then said faintly, "Princess Dao apologizes."

"I'll give you another chance."

"you mustn't take the opportunity I give you for granted."

"because in that case, I can't help killing you."

at this point, Ye Hao smiled, the wind was light and the clouds were light.

Chen Keke sneered: "I won't apologize, what can you do to me"

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