Chapter 6971

decided to send her to the people's Hospital of our city and let the best doctors treat her, which is definitely a good thing. ""it's a good thing. It's rare for you to use your head once." Ye Hao nod...Chapter 6971

after the incident, the whole Longmen Wudao Hall once again stirred up the hot spot of public opinion in Jiecheng.

apart from becoming the sick men of the island nation, island people have more shameless names.

about the disgusting things done by islanders today, word spread ten or ten hundred, but in just a few hours, it spread everywhere.

it can be said that anyone in the boundary city with a little conscience knows who to support at this time.

the island people, who used to be a bit of a sensation, have become street rats in Jiecheng.

after all, these people of Gaotianyuan are really not fastidious in doing things!

this is not even a face!

and the Security Department also has a huge headache. For an incident that has aroused so much public opinion, they have to send more manpower to prevent the islanders from acting recklessly.

at the same time, they also persuaded Ye Hao to take off the banner.

Ye Hao doesn't care. The banner at the door of his own martial arts hall is easy to pick, but the banner in the heart of the islanders is not so easy to pick.

later, Ye Hao also officially asked the Wudao Hall to open the door to accept apprentices.

soon, many aborigines in Jiecheng came to sign up for the martial arts hall, but Ye Hao also limited the number of places for registration.

at the same time, he also made it clear to these people that he might not stay in Jiecheng for long.

but even if he leaves, Longmen will send a master to take over, ensuring that he will be responsible to those who sign up for martial arts.

for Ye Hao's honesty, many people praise it too much. After all, there are no tricks and no routines in the martial arts hall, which is too rare in Jiecheng.

when I saw Ye Hao's martial arts hall open like a raging fire, the islanders were so angry that they were about to vomit blood.

the bastards surnamed Ye obviously stepped on them, but they had no better way.

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soon, the morning passed.

in the afternoon, Dao Baifeng, who received the message, came in a hurry.

she wanted to come here at noon, but there were many people in Jiecheng who knew her, so she didn't dare to do anything.

after all, Ye Hao has accumulated a reputation in Jiecheng, and it's best to let Ye Hao put himself in the limelight.

only after there were few visitors in the bustling Wudao Hall did Dao Baifeng come in.

she looks like the president's little wife, wearing a mask, simple clothes and no clothes that are extremely special to Shaomin.

if Ye Hao hadn't known her identity well, he would have mistakenly thought that she was a female college student.

help Ye Hao pack up the Longmen Wudao Hall and prepare to close down.

in the distance, a black Volkswagen, which looks very low-key, came slowly.

the faces of the people Ma Yuan Shao arranged to help when he saw the black Volkswagen sank slightly.

although Dao Baifeng glanced at it, she didn't show much interest.

Ye Hao glanced at the black Volkswagen with interest. It was a luxury car with extremely low profile and luxury.

to put it simply, drivers of this kind of car are not only rich enough, but also low-key enough.

as Ye Hao examined it, he saw the car door open, and then two women in white robes walked out of the car with a cold look.

when they came down, someone rolled out the red carpet with a wave of their hands.

then I saw a young man in a gray martial arts robe come down with his hands on his back.

his momentum is very amazing, with a kind of arrogance and domineering taste.


.er also looked ugly and said, "Mr. Zhu, you are determined to have your own way. I will tell the Dragon Prison master about this. At that time, I don't know if you are the one who gave me an explanati...