Chapter 6918

ty was deliberately putting on airs, so she didn't say anything, but ordered a pot of tea and waited quietly.four hours, waiting from noon to evening, the supplier boss said he was late, and these peo...Chapter 6918

after meeting with Ning Xiaoyao, Ye Hao briskly left the office of Longguan.

as for how long Ning Xiaoyao will be locked up, Ye Hao has no expectation at all.

after all, it is extremely difficult for a figure like Ning Xiaoyao to come in and cooperate with the interview when the chain of evidence is not clear enough.

after returning to the courtyard, Ye Hao immediately asked Prince Hai to mobilize all his strength and continue to dig deep into all the clues of the boundary city.

what happened this time has touched Ye Hao's bottom line.

in any case, he is going to take a trip to Jiecheng. Apart from the fact that the three Great Houses of Heaven and Man are to be taken as agreed, many things still have to be liquidated.

after Ye Hao arranged things in seven, seven, eight, eight, he was about to sit in the yard and have a sip of tea when he saw a very low-key Bentley appeared at the gate.

the car door opened and a beautiful figure came out. It was Ningjia Princess Ning Zhilei.

Ye Hao was not too surprised to see Ning Zhilei appear, but stood up with a smile and said, "Why is Princess Ning so free to come to my hellhole"

"if you need anything, give me a call. I have an appointment with a good friend. I'm sure I'll be there."

Ning Zhi Lei walked up to Ye Hao and said with a smile, "am I asking for something"

"you have to come to the door in person."

Ning Zhilei didn't talk nonsense, but went straight to her intention.

"first of all, I would like to thank you on behalf of the Yan Jingning family for the matter of Ning Xiaoyao."

"although the Ning family finally has plenty of ways and means to let Ning Xiaoyao be acquitted."

"but as a victim, you personally defended him. For us, Ning's family is ten thousand times better than other means."

"because, in this way, Ning's reputation will not be affected."

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Ye Hao said with interest, "Ning Xiaoyao and you are competitors. I'm helping him. Princess Ning, aren't you angry"

"Why are you angry"

Ning Zhilei smiled calmly.

"it's our family's business that Ning and I have a good fight."

"but Chen Tiangang rashly intervened in our family's affairs and wanted to drag us down with the Ning family, which has violated the interests of the Ning family."

"on this point, Ning Xiaoyao and I are on the same side."

"and in order to express our gratitude, we would rather go home and prepare a gift."

while speaking, Ning Zhilei took a document out of her handbag and handed it to Ye Hao.

Ye Hao opened the document with curiosity and said strangely, "Jiecheng pass"

"Yes, outsiders can't get ten tickets a year."

"there happens to be one more place right now, so we'd rather help Ye Shao take it down."

"after all, Ye Shao, if you want to go to Jiecheng to collect interest, you have to know how to get in, right"

Ning Zhilei opens her mouth.

Ye Hao smiled and said, "it makes sense. I'm afraid it will take a lot of effort for me to get this thing personally."

"now I start directly, saving me a lot of manpower and material resources."

"then I will be disrespectful."

Ning Zhilei smiled, and then there was a touch of deep meaning in her eyes: "of course, we would rather give you this thing, not out of kindness."

"We have our own ideas and goals."

"so, I'd like to ask Ye to do one thing."

"this trip to the boundary city, I hope Ye Shao will go to Chenjiagou and renounce my marriage."


.faces of Van Arda and others, making them black and blue and staggering back.after a few slaps, Ye Hao still didn't feel good enough, but one person kicked directly to the ground.then he stepped on Va...