Chapter 6876

knelt down on one knee.and see their movements, Qin Meng Han and Chu Nanxuan this vein of Longmen children, are also subconsciously brush kneel."Hello, President Ye!""if you are not qualified to be i...Chapter 6876

"because most of our second caste firearms use the products of the Sunset Empire."

"once the service is stopped, our second caste will lose firepower in a short period of time."

"and the first surname will definitely take advantage of this opportunity to absolutely fight back."

"at that point, our second surname will be finished!"

"therefore, we have no choice but to execute the order in the first place."

"and unless we can remove all the firearms of the Sunset Empire from within the Divine Army, from now on."

"Ye Hao is the father of our second surname."

"offend him, we are suicidal."

"in the current situation, our second caste simply does not have the financial and material resources to replace all the firearms."

"so, if we don't recognize this father, we have to recognize it."

at this point, Vanteba heaved a sigh and looked ugly.

"Damn it, I said long ago that I would rather provoke the people of rice than the people of Daxia."

"Why don't those executives believe it"

"I didn't know how to write the word regret until I was trampled like a dog."

Vanessa became more and more in a trance when she heard this.

at some point she found that her resentment against Ye Hao had disappeared and was replaced by a strange emotion.

she suddenly found that if she could kneel obediently in front of Ye Hao as a dog.

isn't she in charge of the second caste at this moment


half a day later, Tianzhu sent back the news.

not only all the Xia family detained were released, but each received a respectful apology.

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in addition, all the assets, properties, and so on of the Xia family have been sent back exactly.

at the same time, the Xia family also made a compensation list and sent it to the upper echelons of the second caste. The amount of compensation in

is exactly 50 billion, which makes the high-level eyelids of the second caste almost jump off.

but in the end, the Xia family only asked for 1/10 compensation.

this is not that the Xia family are kind-hearted, but take it as a condition of negotiation and get some privileges in Tianzhu.

from now on, for example, several gold mines in the Xia family can hire armed groups to protect themselves.

seems like a simple condition, but since then, all the people and assets of the Xia family in Tianzhu have been guaranteed a minimum of security.

even if the second surname falls, or Tianzhu still wants to go back on its word.

but if you want to take down the Xia family, you will pay a heavy price.

come simply, through this battle, the Xia family not only did not lose much, but also got more benefits.

I'm afraid the positions of the top ten families will be incomparably secure in the future.

after the news came back, the Xia family directly held a large dinner to celebrate, and Ye Hao was listed as the number one hero, attracting the attention of the whole audience.

but Ye Hao did not feel complacent or complacent, but left calmly in the busiest atmosphere.

for him, it's just a phone call, and there's nothing to celebrate.

it is Xia Yun who knows Ye Hao's character. She has already prepared a low-key business car and personally sent Ye Hao back to the courtyard.

"Boss Ye, how on earth did you deal with the second caste"

when he returned to the courtyard, Xia Yun finally could not restrain his doubts and asked.


. hall and kneel to the first seven."Li Jackal looked up and down at Ye Hao and scoffed, "son, what kind of ghost and snake are you""what's going on these days""can casual cats and dogs come to me for...