Chapter 6853

an on the side suddenly said.what Why did he suddenly say that The eyes fell on him instantly in the field.Xia Yun looked at the past and looked speechless. Where did this guy come from How happy was...Chapter 6853

"Ye Hao, do you know what you are saying right now"

Helenya's face is getting worse at the moment.

"on the one hand, it is preventing Old Zhang from using the precious six incense. If this causes Zhang's illness to be repeated, or even a couple of long and short periods, can you bear this responsibility"

"on the other hand, if you question our Cihang Zhai in this way, do you think that we Cihang Zhai are trying to take the life of Old Zhang"

"you not only doubt the reputation of our Cihangzhai, but also intend to directly destroy the relationship between Zhang Lao and our Cihangzhai!"

"do you know what will happen to what you do"

"once our reputation of Cihangzhai is damaged because of you, we only have you to ask!"

at this point, Heriya's expression grew angrier and angrier.

"Zhang Lao, for such a villain with bad intentions, I suggest you let someone break his hands and feet directly, and then he can throw it out."

"if someone like him stays around, it will only hurt you."

"I even suspect that this guy is trying to sow discord in Jiecheng by relying on his being a representative of the Great Xia Martial Arts League, so that he can get enough benefits!"

"the heart of such a person can be condemned!" When

said this, Helenya had seen through the expression of Ye Hao's mind.

when he heard Herlianya's words, Zhang Junyuan smiled and shook his head and said, "Miss Helian, don't be angry."

"Ye Hao, as a person, will not have any thoughts. I can assure you of that."

"it's just a matter of kindness for him to say such things."

"Old Zhang, it's not like you can do bad things with good intentions!"

Helenya looks pale.

"you know exactly how we Cihangzhai have treated you these years."

"these six incense, which so many people ask for, do not need you to open your mouth, we will send them to you directly!"

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"did we ask you for anything"

"unexpectedly, we Cihang Zhai treated you with sincerity, but in exchange for this kind of treatment!"

"I'm telling you, I can't accept this!"

"because this representative Ye, who came out of nowhere, is nothing more than sowing discord, saying that we want to poison Old Zhang!"

"to prove our innocence, I used this thing myself!"

as he spoke, he Lianya turned on the Boshan stove directly and lit the six incense in front of Ye Hao.

then, she smoked the six incense cleanly in a very short time. After

finished this action, Herlian Yacai looked at Ye Hao contemptuously and said coldly, "come, didn't you say that these six incense are poisonous"

"I've smoked everything clean now!"

"Why didn't I die of poison"

"should you give an explanation for this"

Herlianya, at this moment, has an attitude of asking questions.

Ye Hao frowned slightly and still thought something was wrong, but he didn't say anything.

seeing Ye Hao keep silent, Helenya seems to feel more reasonable.

she directly gave up Ye Hao, who did not open her mouth, but looked at Zhang Junyuan and said coldly, "Zhang Lao, why don't you comment."

"do you choose to trust us Or do you choose to trust someone surnamed Ye "

Zhang Junyuan took a deep breath and said slowly, "I don't doubt Cihangzhai, but I also believe in Ye Hao."

at this point, Zhang Junyuan pointed to the rest of the incense ash and said faintly, "come on, send the things for inspection."


. important, but that's 20 billion!" How do you want me to swallow that "Wang Huaqing frowned slightly and said slowly a moment later, "in fact, Ye Hao also said, we can avoid the 20 billion yuan!""he...