Chapter 6846

't mess around!"at this time, Lin Bowen struggled to get up from the ground and spoke to Lin Yao and others."Don't be rude to Brother Ye!"Lin Yao and others were slightly stupefied: "Mr. Lin, this guy...Chapter 6846

hearing the word dog licking, Ouyang Su smiled helplessly and then whispered, "there's something I need to tell Representative Ye first."

"not long ago, I was expelled from the genealogy by White Hump."

"in addition, Chen Tiangang also sent someone to tell me that from now on, he and I are mountains, and the road is the road."

"I have nothing to do with him."

"as for the Ninggu Pagoda this time, I need to take full responsibility."

"especially because I promised to gamble, now I have to bear 80% of the huge losses and consequences caused by the boundary city."

"to put it simply, I am already an outcast."

"maybe if I go to sleep tonight, I'll never sleep again."

"I've come to this point. Representative Ye should believe that I didn't call you here for nonsense, did I"

Ye Hao raised his eyebrow slightly. He knew that people in Jiecheng might give up Ouyangsu, but he just didn't expect to give up so decisively.

Ouyang Su at this moment, not to mention street rats, doesn't seem to be much different.

of course, this should be the best choice for Jiecheng.

there are not only people to take responsibility, but also people to take charge of everything.

but for Ouyang Su herself, this is inevitably too cruel.

"it seems that you are going to confess everything about Chen Tiangang today"

"your man gave up on you, so you have to drag him into this"

"and hand me the knife to deal with him"

Ye Hao opened his mouth with interest.

"but from this point of view, it seems good."

"in this way, you can not only take revenge, but also mitigate your sins."

"very good."

hearing Ye Hao's teachings, Ouyang Su-su smiled and said, "Representative Ye, do you think Chen Tiangang is too simple"

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"how can there be clear instructions for someone like him who is destined to be superior How is it possible to leave instructions that are against you "

"in addition, Chenjiagou has lost one of them, and they are the real families of victims."

"in this case, don't say there is no real evidence."

"even if there is, how many people can touch him"

Ye Hao nodded and suddenly realized, "that makes sense."

"so, you, the person who understands the spirit and then takes concrete actions, is responsible for this"

"am I in charge"

Ouyangsu slowly.

"indeed, I am responsible."

"but I'll tell you one thing. I don't know if you believe it."

"that's about giving that little nurse chocolate, not because I'm going to move her soul."

"but when we were passing by the nurse's desk, Chen Tiangang suddenly said," this little nurse seems to be in poor spirits. Let me go over and pay my respects. "

"he always likes to do this kind of good behavior that looks like charity, and I've been cooperating with him for many years, so I gave the little nurse the chocolates I had with him."

"to put it simply, I am not the one who moves the soul, but someone else!"

Ye Hao said with interest, "you mean that the person who moves the soul down is Chen Tiangang"

"and, from the beginning to the end, he has already prepared a game so that he can get out"

"are you the entrant"

"do you think I will believe you if you say so"

"it's up to you to believe it."

Ouyang Su looks serious.

"I'm just telling the truth."


.s to be true and true.Jinjiu Mei was able to be so calm at this point, which made Ye Haogao look at Ye Hao stepped forward and said faintly, "since Miss Kim is so confident, let's report to th...