Chapter 6685

ed it to have a look. It was a mobile phone number with a tail number of six and eight.Ye Hao frowned, but still opened the text message and took a peek."Young Master, when Ye is in trouble, he asks h...Chapter 6685

"Ooh -"

just as Ye Hao and others were eating and preparing for tea, there was a sudden roar of engines at the door of the side hall where they dined.

at the same time, there was a chorus from the Xia family's security personnel.

but for some reason, the powerful security personnel of the Xia family could not stop the sound of the engine, and soon a row of twelve Rolls-Royce Curinan parked with arrogance at the entrance to the wing.

the rockery, flowers and plants in the courtyard were all run over.

soon, the car door opened and dozens of men in camouflage came down.

these people are all glowing in the light of their eyes and bulging their temples, and they look like great martial arts masters.

in addition, there are more than a dozen elites in suits among these people, all of whom have extraordinary temperament.

then, two enchanting female secretaries walked into the back seat of the front car, opened the back door directly, and then saw a man in a suit, combing his big back, who looked like Chow Yun-fat in the "God of gamblers" series.

he looked around Xiajiazhuang Garden, then sneered and said, "where is the old man in Xia Yuejin"

"tell him that Shylock, the American consortium, is coming to visit him!"

"May he not have today next year, and may he have no present in every year!"

with the sound coming in, the whole wing was instantly quiet.

even Xia Yuejin's face sank slightly when he heard the words Xia's consortium, Sherlock and so on.

as for Xia Yun and Xia Xiaowan, not to mention, it is hard to see the unimaginable situation.

then, in the silent atmosphere of the hall, a messy sound of footsteps came, and soon Ye Hao saw a mixed-race man coming in.

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he took off the sunglasses on his face, hung a thick cigar in his mouth and wore a Burberry trench coat, making him look like the god of gamblers.

and the people who followed him, no matter the masters or the elites, all looked solemn and deliberately fell half a step behind.

anyone can see that this is Sherlock.

Xia Yuejin looks ugly at the moment, but he is not fit to speak.

Xia Yun stood up with a cold face, looked up and down at the man, and said, "Mr. Sherlock, right"

"Sorry, we don't seem to know you."

"We are having dinner. Could you please leave"

"besides, I'm afraid you have to give an account before you leave about breaking into our Xiajiazhuang Garden."

"otherwise, I'm afraid you won't get out!"

felt the strength of Xia Yun's indifferent words, and Xia Yuejin felt in his heart that he had chosen the right person.

so he's not talking at the moment.

Ye Hao squinted at the scene, drinking Pu'er tea while quietly waiting.

"Tut-tut, Xia Yun, right"

Shylock looks sarcastic.

"I heard earlier that the Yanjing Xia family suddenly gave way to a money-losing merchandise. I thought I had heard it wrong."

"I can't believe it's true!"

"however, since you are the heir to the Yanjing Xia family, you should know that our American Xia consortium is not only one of the eight major consortia in the United States, but also the only Chinese consortium in the United States!"

"the most important thing is that we, the Xia consortium, are the masters of the Yanjing Tang family!"tion, the surprised diners around him looked at Ye Hao and became turns out that I accidentally watched a TV program, and I was lucky to run into it!people who don't know think this count...