Chapter 6548

will abdicate and give me Ye Jiutian the position of the door owner at this moment!""Today, we can either break the net and rely on our own means to see whether it is Ye Jiutian who is well prepared,...Chapter 6548

Ye Hao glanced at Xia Hou Wen and said with a faint smile, "Vice President Lao Xia Hou has bothered."

"but unfortunately, the scene you want is not destined to happen."

"if I were you, I would call my family in advance and ask them to transfer some assets or something."

"Don't lose a bet soon, there's really only one pair of trousers left."

Xia Hou-wen obviously knows a lot of things. At the moment, he flashed a different color in his eyes and sneered and said, "well, since President Ye is so confident, then I wish you success!"

during the conversation, Xia Houwen ignored Ye Hao, but quietly took out his mobile phone and sent out a message.

Xia Houwen is very proud at the moment. He was one of the hidden hands deliberately left behind by a young man in Yanjing when he left Heizhou.

many people think that his background is also from an island.

as a matter of fact, his biggest backer is the Dragon King of Heizhou, who has now laid a great foundation in Heizhou, and then the king returns!

according to Xia Houwen, the Heizhou Dragon King is not only unparalleled in financial resources and power, but also unparalleled in combat strength.

this time, he wants to take the position of president of the Great Xia Merchant League, and he is also prepared to sweep all obstacles for that Fanglong king to facilitate his king's return.

after all, a generation of dragon kings often have to keep a low profile, always planning and winning thousands of miles away.

people like Ye Hao, no matter how powerful they are, in Xia Houwen's view, are destined to be only qualified to kneel in front of Fang long Wang.

Ye Hao thought he was targeting the islanders this time, but I'm afraid he wouldn't have thought of it. He was destined to be the first stepping stone for the return of the Dragon King of Heizhou.

at the thought of this, the expression on Xia Houwen's face became playful.

and several directors, who are also sitting in the battery car, have a meaningful smile at the moment.

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these people, like Xia Houwen, are unbeatable dark sons of Heizhou Dragon King.

Today, Heizhou Dragon King will probably do it himself.

then it means that if Ye Hao can jump again, the end is doomed!


Yanjing, in another courtyard of the Fang family.

now the whole courtyard is hung with black and white cloth.

although it is a clear sky, the atmosphere in this place is cold and gloomy.

A young man in a blood suit knelt impassively in front of a huge coffin.

he is named Fang Shu.

the undefeated dragon king of Heizhou for five years.

behind Fang, there is a man in a black war suit.

if people in the dark world of Heizhou see him, they will probably pee directly.

because this person is impressively one of the masters of the dark world of Black Island.

A person like this is destined to be a big shot no matter where he goes in Heizhou.

but at the moment, he stands faithfully behind Fang.

at the moment, Fang stroked the brand-new coffin in front of him, looked at the stiff body inside, and murmured.

"Brother, I'm still late after all!"

"originally, you and my brothers promised to wait for me to return from Blackland."

"you and I will join hands to crack down on Yanjing and make the whole Yanjing surnamed Fang!"

"Let's be carefree and kneel in front of us!"

"over the past five years, I have struggled in Heizhou and you have struggled in Yanjing."

"when you and I are about to succeed, I didn't expect you to die at the hands of a villain!"

"and he died in obscurity. If there is revenge, you cannot avenge it, and if you have grievances, you cannot extend it!"o business.""I think you still want to have some legal baskets of flowers. How shameful the door will be!""if you can't afford it, feel free to ask. I can send you some wreaths as a ride."hearing Ruan...