chapter 644

ou only have win or lose and interests in your heart, but you do not have the character that Longmen branch president should have.""third, if you retire bravely now, you may still be able to become a...Chapter 644

the circle of upper-class society in Yangcheng is either big or small.

within a day, the story of the Bei family's defeat in Yangcheng has spread all over the circle.

in addition, Yangcheng upstart Zheng Jia actually wants to take over Bei Jia Group

such a funny thing is naturally treated as a joke.

No one in the Zheng family can raise their heads.

even Father Zheng dared not go out of the door of the villa for fear of being pointed at.

almost overnight, Zheng Jiacheng became a joke of the upper class of Yangcheng.

and this also counteracts the shock caused by the abrupt withdrawal of the Bei family.

when it comes to the Bei family, everyone will mention the Zheng family.

fortunately, Ye Hao and Zheng Maner do not live with Zheng Jun now, otherwise, Zheng Jun's family may not dare to go out.

only Zheng Xiaoxuan knows that her brother-in-law should really be able to give the Bei family group to her sister, but she knows it, but she just won't say anything.

for Zheng Maner, as long as Ye Hao is still alive.

but after this incident, without the suppression of Bei's family, Baiyun's production returned to normal, and Zheng Maner began to work normally, and she had to make money to support her family.

as for Ye Hao, he arrived at Wu Xiaohu's makeshift stronghold in Yangcheng early in the morning.

this is a poor business golf course, Wu Xiaohu simply took the place down and used it as a base for his people to renovate and train.

Ye Hao came here to find some useful people.

after all, he estimates that there will be a lot of minor troubles next. He can't ask for people from Wu Xiaohu every time, can he

in that case, Ye Hao himself finds it troublesome.

with a few more people around you, it's easier to use.

hearing that he was going to be Ye Shizi's exclusive bodyguard, dozens of goons selected by Wu Xiaohu were so excited that they were about to get down on their knees.

for these people, the things in front of Feng Wenhao's grave are still fresh in their memory, and they can serve the legendary Ye Shizi. This is really a lucky thing, and there is smoke on the graves of their ancestors.

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Ye Hao originally wanted to transfer several men to Tang Dao Camp, but after all, he did not have a formal position in the army, and if he did not transfer orders, it would not be a good thing to be accused.

after all, there must be a face-to-face confrontation with Ye Kui, and any handle that falls into Ye's hands may be the decisive factor in defeat.

Ye Hao has no intention of booing the man who was able to drive himself out of Yangcheng three years ago.

"Ye Shao, Master Su and his predecessors have also prepared some hands for you to use. It is said that they have all been carefully selected and painstakingly trained over the past three years, and some of them have even worked as mercenaries on the battlefield in Central Asia."

"but I am not sure about the loyalty of these people now. I will arrange them by your side after I have been training for a while!"

"as for the people I have trained, you must be safe if you put your mind to it!"

Wu Xiaohu opened respectfully with his hands down.

Ye Hao thought for a moment, nodded slightly and said, "good!"

as the saying goes, the hearts of the people are separated by the belly. Although Master Su and others have given themselves a lot of face this time, three years have passed.

people will change, and the manpower they provide must be retrained and used after doing some background checks.

after arranging the group of bodyguards around him, Ye Hao left.

went back to Dijing Garden, only to find that Zheng Xiaoxuan was there.

"aren't you going to school today" Ye Hao frowned slightly. He sometimes had a real headache for this aunt.

"those classes are boring. Besides, I know it all. I follow my brother-in-law."

Zheng Xiaoxuan shook her long legs and opened her mouth while drinking yogurt.

Ye Hao is speechless. He follows everything. Sometimes he feels that his aunt is more difficult to deal with than Ye Qingmei.f and was in a state of dizziness.and down from Rolls-Royce, there are two bodyguards among executives.(adsbygoogle = indo.adsbygoogle | | []). Ush ({});but now the situation is too dangerous. If you...