Chapter 6468

uestions, you must answer them well.""Auntie asked you if Wang Lingyue gave you half of her shares in the Wang Group.""Yes." Ye Hao nodded honestly, looking confused."then why did you help her""becaus...Chapter 6468

Fang Rongjun fell to the ground, her delicate body trembling violently.

Fang Haoqiu's death was a great shock and invisible oppression to her.

makes her almost lose the courage to continue to fight Ye Hao at this moment.

but after all, she is a woman from one of the top ten families, and after the initial shock disappeared, she completely calmed down.

what Ye Hao did was really shocking, but at least Fang Rongjun has seen the big winds and waves.

after gritting her teeth and devising strategies for a moment, she covered her face, took out her cell phone, and instantly called

while the red sports car was parked slowly in front of the parking lot of Yanjing International Airport.

after looking at Ye Hao with a complicated look, Si Tuyao took out some cashier's checks and passports from the armbox and handed them to Ye Hao.

"what do you mean" Ye Hao glanced at the cashier's check and passport, but didn't pick it up.

"here is the 10 million cashier's check, which you can withdraw from any bank in the world, and it is anonymous."

"as for these passports, they are other identities that I have prepared for you, which will allow you to leave Yanjing by plane or even go abroad at the first time through foreign guest channels."

"and, in a short period of time, no one will be able to trace you."

"that's all I can do for you."

Ye Hao casually took a passport and looked at it and said, "even my picture is not wrong. It seems that Princess Stu has long wanted to trick me into being your fake boyfriend."

"besides, you figured that I would have a conflict with your little mother, so you left me behind"

Stu Yao narrowed his eyes and then said slowly, "I didn't know you would conflict with my little mother."

"but I know very well that as long as I bring your fake boyfriend home, my little mother will definitely try her best to get back at you."

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"not to mention, you have offended her so much now."

"I don't know if you really killed Fang Haoqiu."

"however, in my opinion, Fang Haoqiu is not terrible."

"the person my little mother will tell next is really scary!"

Ye Hao smiled and said, "Yanjing is the first of the four young people, and Yanjing is the least. Would you rather be carefree"


Si Tuyao nodded slowly.

"although I don't like him, I have to admit that Ning Xiaoyao, who is at the head of the top ten families, has more energy and connections than you can imagine."

"although you have strength, connections, and energy."

"however, in front of the three words" Ning Xiaoyao ", everything you are proud of often has no effect."

"and I am unable to protect myself at this time, and I am powerless to protect you in an all-round way!"

"so I want you to leave as soon as possible."

"in that case, at least I don't have to worry about it." When

said these words, a little regret flashed in Szeto Yao's eyes.

she regrets why she dragged Ye Hao into this matter.

because of the current situation, it is completely out of control.

Si Tuyao has no way to imagine what crazy things Fang Rongjun, who has been slapped ten times, will do.

"Beauty is pitiful and humiliating."

Ye Hao smiled and threw her passport back into Szeto Yao's armbox.

"but I have one thing to tell you."

"that is, since I dare to slap Fang Rongjun, I am not afraid of her at all." don't have to fight and kill, you can still receive double the price.""after retirement, you can even buy an island in the Caribbean and live on for the rest of your life.""Oh, I'm wrong. I'm not dyi...