Chapter 6439 the middle of the field, Cui Wenxing took three steps back, then he moved and stood in front of Ye Hao with a look of indifference.when the Lion King waved his hand, the gold gloves on her hand...Chapter 6439

"by the way, I can actually become a generation of the god of war, it seems that you Ye representative, also have a lot of credit."

Miyuki Fujiwara seems to remember something, and she is ready to criticize her at this time.

"originally, no matter how amazing our talents and resources are, it will take decades for us young people to become a generation of gods of war."

"but I can't help it."

"who made our island country have a great enemy"

"the six major schools are almost leveled by him!"

"and also became the representative of the Daxia Wushu League, making the Daxia Wushu League one of the five permanent directors of the World Wushu League!"

"this pile after pile, one by one, makes the martial arts circles of our island country extremely frightened!"

"in particular, you are clamoring for spring blossoms and Toyama to talk about swords."

"people from an island country all know that if you really go to Fushan, you will completely destroy the younger generation of our island and kill us!"

"does it take decades for us island people to keep a low profile How can you ruin it "

"therefore, our ancestors of Shinto flow decided to invite the inheritance of the great names of our island States and warring States period and give us these talented young people."

"in the end, after a great sacrifice, we have forged four legendary young heavenly heroes and four youngest gods of war in the history of the island nation!"

"now that we, the gods of war, have come to see our benefactor in Daxia!"

"because without you, we people are destined to be mediocre all our lives, so how can we be qualified to stand on this stage"

listening to Miyue Fujiwara talking eloquently, Ye Hao said, "now that you know I am your great benefactor, how are you going to thank me"

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"three kowtows and nine bays, or do you want to warm my bed tonight"

"if you want to warm the bed, go to the hospital ahead of time for a medical examination. After all, I am a little afraid of the confusion among your islanders."

Ye Hao spoke softly and slapped the islanders in the face.

but deep down, Ye Hao still has some feelings.

although he has always known that the heart of the island nation will never die.

but unexpectedly, just because they were afraid of themselves, the island people unexpectedly dug up the inheritance of the great names of the warring States period.

also smashed the pot and sold iron to produce four young gods of war.

it can only be said that the heifer is flying, which is amazing.

"what The representative of the Daxia Wushu League was scared by one of my little girls "

"have you learned to speak presumptuously"

instead of becoming angry at Ye Hao's words, Miyue Fujiwara smiled and slowly opened her mouth.

"but when you say something like this, it proves that you are not sure."

"instead, it proves that you are very scared!"

"but it doesn't matter whether you are really scared or not."

"I'm here today for only one purpose, and that is to let you know."

"Ye Hao has never been the protagonist of the world."

"even if you are, the halo of your protagonist should be gone when we show up."

"also, your so-called engagement war, we Shinto flow next."

"but I'm kind enough to remind you."

"before the official fight starts, you'd better throw in the towel."

"We won't show mercy if we really fight."

"Don't lose everything on a whim!"

:., then glanced at Cui Yingxia next to her and said coldly, "Miss Cui, you can bail this man out!""however, he has not been able to leave Hong Kong City for the last half a month. He must wait for the...