Chapter 6435

ut today he rarely changed his temper and looked at Zheng Maner and said, "Maner, go ahead and do your best. Even if you fail, I won't blame you."because Father Zheng knows that if Zheng Maner is will...Chapter 6435

Ye Hao frowned slightly and said, "what do you mean"

Xia Yuejin said with a smile: "an identity often represents the interests of a group."

"Let me give you an example. As a young master of Longmen, you are supposed to represent the interests of Longmen."

"but sometimes the interests of Longmen and Daxia Wu League conflict with each other."

"how can you solve such a situation perfectly"

"No matter how you solve it, you will intentionally or unintentionally lean to one side."

"I wish I could keep this bias all the time."

"I'm afraid that sometimes you prefer Longmen and sometimes you favor Daxia Wushu League."

"in the long run, people from both sides will not only not be grateful to you, but will also feel resentment."

"this is the biggest trouble you are likely to encounter at the moment."

"once this contradiction accumulates for a long time, I wonder if Ye Shao can solve it."

Ye Hao said faintly, "Why do you want to solve it"

"or why should it be biased"

"I, Ye Hao, always go for my family and country."

"if anything is good for my country, I will do it, but it will do harm to my country, and I will stop it."

"if what I do causes resentment in the hearts of the forces in which I belong, then it is time for this force to need bone scraping and healing."

"Top families, ancient families, big summer pillars, etc."

"the basis for the existence of these forces is that we have a strong country."

"where there is a country, there is a family."

"if these forces forget the great righteousness for the sake of petty gain."

"well, I don't mind destroying this power."

at this point, Ye Hao squinted at Xia Yuejin, which was meaningful.

Xia Yuejin was stunned for a moment, then laughed a moment later and said, "I wanted to hit my friend, but I was beaten by him instead."

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"what The little friend thinks that the Yanjing Xia family is in need of bone curettage. "

Ye Hao said faintly, "is it not clear whether or not it is necessary for Xia Lao to be the master of the Xia family"

Xia Yuejin squinted at Ye Hao. After a long time, he sighed and said, "to be honest, I don't understand you as a young man."

"according to principle, anyone who says such a thing in front of me, I will slap him in the face and let him die without burial."

"but when you say something like this, it makes me feel that a person who is not careful and is slapped may be myself."

"so, to be frank, the Xia family and I think you are too dangerous."

"you are a person who will not forget the great righteousness for the sake of petty gain!"

"but such a person has one characteristic, that is, he has no weakness"

"A person without a weakness is almost a saint!"

"Saints are worth admiring, but not worth making friends with."

"so, in my eyes, you are too dangerous."

"so, I don't want our daughter of the Xia family to get too close to you and"

"or even become your woman."

"because if this is the case, our Xia family will probably not even know how to die for you."

"what I said, little friend, you may not understand for a moment."

"but only when you figure out what to do for your woman, will I let you meet Xia Yun and work things out between you."

"before that, I will never let you meet."

Ye Hao drew from the corner of his eye and put down the teacup in his hand. Xia Yuejin walked around, but Ye Hao already understood what he meant.ou have to go!"Ye Hao said faintly, "what if I say no""if you can't, we'll let your wife's company go bankrupt!""Don't forget that the Zheng family you are kneeling and licking is just a family busine...