Chapter 6383

ao on the bottom of their feet.but how can these people understand how Song Wenwen feels at the momentshe originally wanted the president to come to the party to relax, chat and exchange feelings betw...Chapter 6383


the middle-aged fat woman spit on Ye Hao's clothes.

"kill me if you can, and see if I can confess!"

Ye Hao nodded, and instead of talking nonsense, he grabbed the middle-aged fat woman's left hand and twisted it.


gave a crisp sound, and a mournful scream came out.


Ye Hao's backhand was a slap in the face of a middle-aged fat woman. She immediately gave a "wow", spit out a mouthful of blood, and screamed hard to stop.

"take people down and break the rest of your hands and feet."

"then arrange for the best orthopedic surgeon to connect the hands and feet."


"ask her again in an hour to see if she can confess."

"if you don't confess, break your hands and feet again, connect them again, and so on."

"when will she confess and when shall we take her to the hospital"

hearing Ye Haofeng's light words, the middle-aged fat woman only felt cold sweat.

break your hands and feet, pick it up and then interrupt And then pick it up

what kind of devil is this

"besides, tell Prince Hai that I'll give him two hours."

"I want to know everything about this woman, including how many ants there are in her house."

"where are the graves of her ancestors for the eighteenth generation"

after saying this, Ye Hao smiled at the middle-aged fat woman and said, "in the past, many people told me that they wanted to kill my whole family, and then dug up my ancestors for 18 generations."

"I used to be disdainful of such behavior."

"but believe me, if something happens to Xia Yun, I will definitely try to see how the bad guys do things."

while Ye Hao was waiting anxiously, at this moment, on the corner 500 meters from the office building, a van with a dilapidated appearance started slowly.

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at the same time, a middle-aged man with an ordinary face took out his cell phone and dialed a number: "Young master, the mission failed."

"Ye Hao was injured unscathed when Xia Yun was accidentally injured."

after a moment of silence across the phone, someone said coldly, "keeping troops for a thousand days and supporting you losers for so long that you can't even do such a little thing well"

"I even took out the peacock Ling, a kungfu killer that I had hidden for many years."

"now you tell me that Ye Hao is unscathed"

"you guys are really disappointing!"

the middle-aged man whispered, "I'm sorry, young master, it's all because of our incompetence!"

"We will erase all traces related to you."

"make sure that things will not implicate you."

also, the seventh fell into the hands of Ye Hao, we will find a way to obliterate her. " "br >" in addition, we suggest you go abroad to avoid the limelight first. After all, the body of a daughter does not sit down, and a gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall. "

when he said this, Ye Hao's indifferent face appeared in the middle-aged man's mind.

he believes that Ye Hao will definitely try every means to extract information from the seventh mouth.

if the young master of his family is exposed, Ye Hao doesn't know how to retaliate.

"avoid the limelight"

the voice across the phone had a touch of sarcasm.

"when did Ben Shao get scared by a door-to-door son-in-law"

"what's more, you have the seventh family, young and old."

"how dare she betray us casually"

"not to mention, we have already prepared a plan for her. There are so many people who can carry the pot." How will it fall on my head "

"besides, even if you expose me, will someone surnamed Ye dare to pick on me" the god of war is supreme.only the god of war can deal with the god of war.Ye Hao became the god of war at a young age. I'm afraid only the legendary chief coach in the world can be compared with him...