Chapter 6345

scabbard directly on the car, holding a knife in one hand, and followed Ye Hao with a cold look.on this day, the god of war of the Tang Dao seems to have returned to the days when he followed the chi...all of a sudden, Ye Hao had a flash in his mind.

he squinted at the surging crowd in front of him and said aloud, "ladies and gentlemen, since the people of UNEP move in, you think we will collude with each other and the testing agencies will test each other, and you think it will be fake!"

"well, let's do a human test!"

"according to you, after you checked into the hardcover room last night, you had an allergic reaction in the middle of the night, and a lot of people's skin was rotten, right"

"in that case, from now on, I will go directly to the hardcover room without any protective equipment, and I will stay in the room where any of you are in the most serious condition!"

"and I will turn on the live broadcast on my phone and let you supervise it online to make sure I don't take a step away!"

"then, we'll see the results tomorrow morning!"

"if I have an allergic reaction like you, it goes without saying that all the responsibility lies with the ninth company!"

"but if I don't respond, you'll have to accept the results three days later."

"is everything all right"

hearing Ye Hao's words, the surging crowd was shocked, and everyone looked at each other in astonishment.

in theory, no matter whether these people's allergies are caused by living in those hardcover special rooms or not.

but if a gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall, even people from UNEP and testing institutions need to be fully armed.

but does Ye Hao want to stay for one night without any protection

this is playing with your own life!

can only be said to be cruel!

is really a cruel person!

Zheng Maner also drew slightly from the corner of her eye. She didn't expect that Ye Hao could come up with such a way to break the game.

but this way of breaking the game means that Ye Hao has 100% trust in himself.

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Ye Hao is convinced that the building materials, furniture and bedding he bought are of absolute quality.

otherwise, Ye Hao would not have said such a thing.

Zheng Maner was moved by a trace of emotion.

without hesitation, Zheng Maner also stepped forward at the moment, glanced at Ye Hao and said, "me, too!"

"I will also enter the hardcover special room without any protection!"

"to put it bluntly, everyone, although I, Zheng Maner, is not very rich, I am definitely worth more than everyone present!"

"I will personally check in to prove to you whether there is anything wrong with the quality of the house in our company!"

"I think you can believe the result of the proof, right"

someone disagreed: "who knows if you are really living in it"

"what if you find some fall guys to go in there"

Zheng Maner said faintly, "in that case, don't broadcast it live."

"there are so many people present, one of them is one. I am now preparing a full set of protective equipment for you."

"everyone will come with us and check in from now on!"

"with so many eyes staring, we can't get away, can we"

"will you believe the result of tomorrow"

seeing the posture of Ye Hao and Zheng Maner, the victim's mood calmed down a lot, and it was obviously acceptable in this way.

moreover, in the perception of many people, the body of a daughter does not sit down.

they don't know who Ye Hao is.

but it seems acceptable that a rich man like Zheng Maner is willing to do such a thing.

however, at this time, the lady who sold bedding had no intention of giving up like this. sneered and said faintly, "what Are you going to give it to us, Fang Xiao ""I tell you, unless you kneel down and present something in front of Fang Shao now, it will be too late."Ye Hao was noncommi...