Chapter 6293

to trample on Guo Yu.Nalantian is qualified to challenge even the Kuo family in the port city.but once the four families of Hong Kong City join hands, even Ye Shizi will have a headache, right Not to..."auction houses all over the world, from old to small, everyone knows a little bit!"

"auction, the highest bidder gets it!"

"if I can give 2 billion, I can give 3 billion, 4 billion!"

"and you Yanjing auction, unexpectedly directly blocked, directly ordered things to Li Haomin"

"and call my behavior a troublemaker"

"are you still telling me the rules"

"what are the rules"

"when this story gets out, I think your Yanjing auction will have any reputation to speak of in the future."

"to put it bluntly, you are harming the interests of the shippers and come to curry favor with the great Chinese!"

"but also the background of the top ten families Bah! "

"other top families know that being side by side with you guys who worship foreigners and fawns on foreigners is probably so disgusting that they can't eat for three days!"

Ye Hao had a word for word, with no intention of stopping.

the equal people in Huaqing were dumbfounded.

although they had hoped that Ye Hao would cause trouble at the Yanjing auction and end up with no place to die.

but they didn't expect Ye Hao to be so troublesome.

if this thing goes on, I'm afraid that if they are held accountable, those who instigate Ye Hao to come will have unimaginable bleak consequences, right

as soon as he thought of this, Huaqing became dry in his flat mouth, pulled Ye Hao's sleeve and said, "President Ye, forget it."

"forget it" What does it count "

Ye Hao spoke coldly.

"Don't I want to save face Don't we lose face in the Great Xia Shang League "

"they acted so recklessly that after I took office, the first thing they did was to announce the cancellation of all cooperation with the Yanjing Fang family!"


the auctioneer got angry when he heard Ye Hao say more and more.

"do you really think that you are the chosen candidate for the next president of Daxia Merchant League"

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"Don't you dare slander our auction again, I'll make you look good!"

and hearing the auctioneer's words, the bodyguards also took out the firearms around their waists one by one, turned on the safety directly, and stared ferociously at Ye Hao.

Ye Hao said coldly, "well, if you want to accuse me of slander, give me the evidence and explain it to me!"

"you can just ignore the rules of the highest bidder in the auction!"

"still want to accuse me of slander"

"there are so many people here, either from big families or from big families!"

"do you Yanjing Fangs really think you can cover the sky with one hand"

"can you really say the same thing"

"think everyone is stupid"

when Ye Hao said this, many of the people present were flashing their eyes.

but at their level, it's not easy to think of sharing a common enemy.

since Ye Hao is noisy, they just go to the theatre.

as for what they have in mind in the end and what to do next, it is not for others to know.

and, to put it bluntly, Ye Hao is just the next president of the Great Xia Shang League who has been pulled out as a substitute.

maybe he was hit and killed by a car when he went out one day.

these people really don't take Ye Hao seriously.

as for those great people, they are all looking at Ye Hao with a smile.

the Great Xia Shang League is very powerful, but in the final analysis, the organization of the Great Xia Shang League is relatively loose, not a well-structured organization.

does Ye Hao want to use the Great Xia Shang League to deter the Yanjing Fang family

I'm afraid this qualification is not enough, right

the equal people in Huaqing are even more anxious and sweating. Today, this matter has gone in the direction that there is no way to improve.

and they will probably be implicatedlented. I admire you!"at the moment, Wang Huaqing is really optimistic about Ye Hao.if the two sides are not opposed to each other, Wang Huaqing will certainly do whatever it takes to recruit Ye Hao u...