Chapter 6236

heng Maner stepped back with an ugly face and pulled out a delicate firearm from his satchel.the firearm is the size of a lipstick and contains only one shot of lead shot, but in this case, it is alre...Chapter 6236

"this is a high-end place. I don't want to make trouble here and spoil my mood."

"I'll tell you what, you and your people apologize to me, and it's over."

Tang Sifeng smiled and opened his mouth.

after looking up and down at Tang Sifeng, Xu Shao said faintly, "dare you ask me Xu Tianxing to apologize to you, you have to show your own sign, right"

"otherwise, can you fool me"

Tang Sifeng proudly threw out a business card and said coldly, "you'll see for yourself."

Xu Tianxing picked up his business card and looked at it, and the next moment a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Yanjing Tangmen" Tang Sifeng "

"Sorry, the name is too small, never heard of it!"

"Let the Tang people slaughter in front of me, I can still give him three points of face."

"as for you."


Xu Tianxing kicked Tang Sifeng directly in the chest before he finished.

A scream of Tang Sifeng, who was caught off guard, flew out in an instant and fell on the huge dinner table.

just a moment, the cup is a mess.

at the same time, the sound of broken bones came out.

the audience gasped and everyone was dumbfounded.

in this place, Tang Sifeng was beaten

Tang Sifeng himself looked dull. He didn't die, but he was clearly aware that he had broken two bones.

he wanted to yell, but he couldn't make a sound.

at this time, there was no need for Tang Sifeng to open his mouth. Xia Shaojie had already waved his hand, and suddenly a large group of young people in fine clothes rushed out with wine bottles.

these people have been in Yanjing for a long time and usually don't do it themselves, so they don't understand the horror of those trainers at all.

it's just that at the moment they rush out very fast, but they are photographed even faster.

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there is no need for anyone else to do it at all. Xu Tianxing, one punch and one kick, instantly scrapped all the things that rushed out.

in less than a minute, everyone fell to the ground.

only the trembling Li Jin, Ye Hao with a theatrical posture, and a large group of women can still stand.

seeing this, Li Jin trembled at the moment and said, "Boss Wang, who is this on earth"

Wang Liang sneered and said, "Don't you even know Xu Shao in Jinzhong"

"my family Xu Shaoke is the young master of the eight diagrams. This time I came to Yanjing to attend the martial arts conference."

"by the way, you probably don't know what the word Ba Gua Men stands for, do you"

"represents the holy land of martial arts."

"what The holy land of martial arts! "

when Tang Sifeng heard these four words, he was finally subdued.

he is not afraid of gossip, but he has to be afraid of the holy land of martial arts.

the most important thing is that people like the holy places of martial arts study may not necessarily have a lot of power, a lot of money, and a lot of energy.

but the problem is, the holy land of martial arts, these four words already represent too many.

Yuan Feifei and others do not know what the holy place of martial arts represents, but just looking at the sudden change in Tang Sifeng's expression, they know that this Xu Tianxing must have a good history.

at the moment, Tang Sifeng stumbled to his feet after a few moments, and said, "Xu Shao, I'm sorry, but I don't know Mount Tai."

"for the sake of being a young man near the Tangmen gate of Yanjing!"

"do me a favor, me."

"Yanjing Tangmen, who is the bystander" Xu Tianxing stepped forward and slapped Tang Sifeng in the face.

"A bystander, what are you pretending to be before me" your army elder a phone call as soon as possible!""or you wait for him to call!"Ouyang Su is as proud as he has caught Wang Fei at the moment."I am afraid that if you are not careful, one step will b...