Chapter 6051

nderstood me. I'm not a bad person.""I just saw you come down from Baiyun Mansion, right I work in the Dihao Building next door. I am the deputy head of the project department of the Dihao Group. My n...Chapter 6051

Ye Hao looked stunned and said, "are you trying to help me and your love have a ghost marriage"

"Mrs. Zhao, have you ever respected your daughter's wishes"

"will you make your daughter angry and alive if you make such a mess"

"you -"

Kong Juan was really dizzy and black-eyed by Ye Hao at this time.

she had no idea that Ye Hao had such sharp teeth and sharp mouth.

now she instructs Ye Hao, and then gasps for breath and starts to shake people on the phone.

when those socialite ladies saw this, they all looked at Ye Hao with stupid faces.

made Mrs. Zhao so angry.

this is a leaking in the crotch of trousers, either dead or **!


just then, in the direction of the door, a Mercedes-Benz suddenly dashed in.

the car carries a kind of arrogant arrogance, any car that dares to stop in front of them will be directly hit.

soon, the car stopped directly at the entrance of the Wudao Hall, and then the door opened and several figures walked out.

because it was a luxury car, Kong Juan and others subconsciously looked at the past and wanted to see who it was.

I saw Shijun Buddha of Xiaofeng Temple walking out with a group of people at the moment.

Kong Juan and others were slightly stupefied when they saw Shijun Buddha.

but it's just a daze, not too much surprise.

after all, Kong Juan knows that Shi Sansheng was here not long ago.

Kong Juan doesn't pay too much attention to these younger generation of Junyan.

but very soon, the figure of Buddha Shijun flickered and gave way to an old bald monk behind him.

at the moment of seeing the bald old monk, Kong Juan's eyelids jumped fiercely, and then she quickly stepped forward and nodded: "Luo Jing King Kong!"

those socialite ladies were stupefied when they heard the word Luo Jing Jingang, and then there was an incredible expression in their eyes.

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Luo Yi King Kong

the legendary King Kong of Xiaofeng Temple

isn't this one shutting down How did

suddenly appear here Although the hearts of

were filled with surprise and uncertainty, these socialite ladies respectfully saluted Luo Huan Jinguang.

is different from the Buddha of Shijun.

Luo Jing King Kong is not a dandy second generation or something.

it can be said that he respects Xiaofeng Temple.

even within Dizong, he is one of the three King Kong, which can be called a high position of power. When people like

appear, they can usually talk to people at the highest level outside the country.

although these people around Kong Juan have certain identities, they are really inferior to Luo Huan's King Kong.

"it's all the female donors. Hello, hello!"

Luo Xiejin just glanced at these people, opened his mouth perfunctorily, and then walked quickly up to Ye Hao.

"this is Ye Hao, Ye Xiaoyou, right"

Luo Huan Jinguang looked at Ye Hao with a genial face at the moment, and his eyes were full of appreciation.

although he probably guessed Ye Hao's intention of sending Di Zong Ling, he had no intention of letting Shijun Buddha refuse.

after all, Buddha Shijun has come to this point and is destined to compete with Shi Sansheng for the length of his life.

under such circumstances, the Dizong order sent by Ye Hao can be regarded as timely help.

so Luo Jing King Kong came here in person today.

of course, no one knows whether it is intended to represent unlimited sincerity in person, or to give a toast to Ye Hao.

Ye Hao said faintly, "it's me."

"thanks a lot, so I won't talk nonsense!"

Luo Ying Jin just smiled at the moment.

"from today on, Ye Xiaoyou and our Xiaofeng Temple will be a family!"

"anyone who has a problem with you will have a hard time with me, Luo Jing Jin Gang!"

"whoever doesn't give you face, he won't give me face!"wed to Ye Hao and said, "Boss Ye, there is something at home that needs to be dealt with, so I asked Xia Yun to resign. I hope you understand."at the end of his voice, Xia Zhongxing walked quickly out...