Chapter 5974

Fiction Networkthe Zheng family is laughing at the moment!used to think that Zheng Maner was naive, but now it seems that their father and daughter are equally naive.and ridiculously naive.Zheng Jun h...Chapter 5974

"and you have overlooked one point."

Shi Sansheng sighed, with a touch of gloom on his face.

"your attention is focused on Ye Hao, but you don't pay too much attention to Zhao Hailui."

"you don't seem to care about Zhao Hailui's influence in this matter at all."

"however, Zhao Hailui is, after all, the sign of Zhaomen in the northwest."

"if Northwest Zhaomen wants to have influence in court in the future, it can only keep Zhao Hailui in power."

"using Zhao Hailui is, to some extent, ruining the plan of Zhao Men in Northwest China."

"under this premise, if Zhaomen in Northwest China gets angry, it will come off completely."

"it's not good for our clan!"

"although, for the sake of our big plan, the more chaotic the better."


"but the problem is that chaos needs to be limited."

"once you get out of control, do you really think Dizong can control everything"

when she heard Shi Sansheng's words, Van Elaine had a feeling of enlightening.

at the same time, she looked at the figure of Shi Sansheng, her eyes full of admiration.

the Shaozong of his own family is worthy of the pride of a generation. In the midst of planning, he is determined to win thousands of miles away.

there are a few cases, which is lucky for Dizong!

at this moment, Van Elaine is convinced that no matter how it ends this time, no matter how Ye jumps.

in the end, he will surely be crushed to death by one finger of his family like a grasshopper after autumn.

as soon as she thought of this, Van Elaine took a deep breath and said, "Shaozong, I will order now to stop all plans."

Shi Sansheng said faintly: "instead of stopping all plans, there can be no more specific actions against Ye Hao."

"there are some plans related to the overall situation, continue to carry out."

Van Elaine nodded slightly and said, "got it."

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then she remembered something else.

"Shaozong, what happened to Su Yangjin before that really made Shi Jun very unhappy."

"it is said that he has now begun to prepare for the fight for a young patriarch."

"although what he did was doomed to be a mantis to block the car."

"but I have heard that Luo Jing King Kong will support him"

"Luo Yi King Kong"

Shi Sansheng looks strange.

"encourage Xiejun to argue with me"

"does he want to be a queen so badly"

"then, let him die."

"Buddha, our people arrived at the No. 1 villa the first time."

"but we haven't done it yet."

"the people from the Longmen plug chapter are coming."

"Mrs. Zhou, who took the lead, not only briskly slapped Murong Jian in the face, but also let all the people in Longjun get out of here."

Shi Changqing stood beside the Buddha of Shijun, his hands drooping and opened his mouth softly.

"to put it simply, we didn't earn this favor."

"of course, there's nothing going on with Ye Hao."

"Murong Jian didn't take any advantage either."

Buddha Shijun is now wearing a moon-white monk's robe, carrying his hands and looking at the golden carp in the fish pond.

at the moment, he is no longer unwilling to be slapped in the face by Ye Hao, and it is more of an ambition that is almost undisguised.

"did Mrs. Zhou do it"

after listening to this, a smile appeared on the face of Buddha Shijun.

"it surprised me, and I'm not surprised."

"Ye Hao has helped Zhou Yao before, and once Mrs. Zhou recognizes his identity, it is reasonable to help."

"but this also shows one thing from the side, that is, Ye Hao's energy and contacts outside the plug are bigger than we thought."ve less long hair, and now she subconsciously drinks coldly."is that you are willing to gamble or not to admit defeat, and there are so many tricks that there is less cheating in my family!""now you d...