chapter 577

Elder Hall are absolutely worthy of attention.after all, each of those veterans is a tough old guy, and even if Zhen long matches, he should be extremely cautious.No matter how awesome he is, can he...Chapter 577

Qin Shuguo turned a deaf ear. He just looked at Ye Hao and waited for him to speak.

if Ye Hao doesn't open his mouth, Qin Shuguo may not even dare to breathe.

"Oh, I'm fine, but my clothes are dirty. I bought it at a roadside stall for ten yuan. I like it." Ye Hao spoke faintly, as if he were talking about a trivial matter.

Qin Shuguo subconsciously looked at the hem of Ye Hao's clothes, and sure enough, he saw that it was wet and stained with tea.

Qin Shuguo immediately got angry. He straightened up, scanned the audience with great momentum, and shouted, "who is it" Who splashes water on this place "

when his men saw this, although they did not know what had happened, the master spoke, and they all roared angrily, "who is it"

everyone was almost subconscious, and their eyes fell on that small online celebrity.

Mini Internet celebrities bowed their heads and trembled.

in the face of ordinary people, she still has the bearing of being superior, but in front of powerful figures like Qin Shuguo, she knows very well that she is at best a plaything, not a person at all.

can she not be afraid to see Qin Shuguo get angry

Qin Shuguo's eyes fell on a small Internet celebrity, and glanced at Qin Shan, who was kneeling on the ground, and immediately got angry and kicked Qin Shan in the chest: "how did I give birth to such a black sheep like you!"

"you won't stop until you kill me, will you"

"how many times have I told you! Our family is an official, so we should keep a low profile and treat people politely! "

"you turned a deaf ear to what I said, didn't you"

Qin Shuguo became more and more angry as he talked. He was really punching and kicking until he was out of breath and stopped.

Qin Shan knelt on the ground and looked confused.

he has no idea what happened.

my father hit himself

Why did my father boo Ye Hao when he knew his head was covered with blood

as a matter of fact, it is not only Qin Shan who looks confused at the moment, but also everyone else.

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the way everyone looks at Ye Hao is a little strange.

what on earth is going on

at the moment, only Liu Tong guessed it in the field.

is it difficult for Ye Hao to have such a high position on the road Black and white are both hands and eyes in the sky

so even Qin Shuguo is afraid of him

is that why he is so unscrupulous

Qin Shuguo has had enough fighting and scolding.

then he walked up to Ye Hao again, hung his hands and said, "Mr. Ye, the son of a dog is unworthy. I will take it back to be well disciplined."

"in addition, this is a token of my appreciation, as compensation, and please do not refuse." As soon as Qin Shuguo reached out his hand, one of his secretaries handed over a heavy file bag. Although there was only a gap, many people saw it. It was full of colorful banknotes.


at this moment, everyone is gasping for breath.

what's going on with Ye Hao

how can a big shot like Qin Shuguo not only apologize to him, but also beat his son in front of him, and then pay a large sum of money

unexpectedly, Ye Hao looked at the portfolio casually, then frowned and said, "Lao Qin, are you insulting me"

"No, no." Qin Shuguo's face was covered with cold sweat. "when I went out temporarily, I didn't have so much cash on me. I'll send someone right away."


Ye Hao shook his head slightly, then reached out to take ten yuan out of the file bag and said faintly, "that's enough."

everyone was a little dumbfounded to see this.

what's going on with this Ye Hao

you don't want so much money, so you get ten yuan

but everyone was dumbfounded, but Qin Shuguo was cold sweating and pale. He quickly bowed to Ye Hao and said, "Please forgive me. I will certainly go back and discipline the dog son and make sure he will never come out to make trouble again."

in Qin Shuguo's opinion, this one refused to forgive himself, and now he wants to get down on his knees. your cousin comes."hearing Ye Hao's indifferent but lofty words, Shi Hao sneered at this moment.this son of a bitch is so good at pretending!I feel sorry for myself if I don't kill him for a while."W...