Chapter 5661

r wife. Tang Qing has many students in Lingnan Province. If the Tang family falls down, I am afraid it will affect some government decisions.""and the Luo family controls the banking industry in Lingn..."joke"

Ye Hao smiled, but the smile looked like a demon in his eyes.

"otherwise, I'll make a joke."


when he heard Ye Hao's words, he blew up his scalp and said with a wry smile, "Ye Shao, give me some face."

"after all, I am Dafeng Temple without looking at the monks."

Ye Hao said faintly, "you don't have to kneel."

"but bear the consequences."

bear the consequences

how can this guy be so confident when he talks

at this moment, everyone present is going to faint.

is it difficult for this Ye Hao to have an extremely high status

otherwise, how dare you say such a thing in the face of success

the side is not defeated, but he moved out of Dafeng Temple behind him!

"Ye Shao"

squeeze out a bitter smile.

"three, two"

Ye Hao's word "one" has not yet been spoken, but he can no longer bear the pressure, and he knelt down in front of Ye Hao with a bang.

in an instant, everyone in the field was in a trance.

everyone can't help slapping themselves in the face to make sure they're not dreaming.

this is an awesome win-win, Bian chief coach!

the existence of the top ten young heavenly heroes in Saiwai martial arts!

this is the pride of Dafeng Temple!

but such a person is kneeling in front of Ye Hao now

after all, the edge is too weak.

or this guy surnamed Ye, do you really have any great information

it can be said that the present scene has made people eye-popping.

"come on, kneel down and kneel straight."

before everyone was shocked, Ye Hao had opened his mouth again.

he twitched at the corner of his eye, but slowly put his face in front of Ye Hao.


Ye Hao is not polite at all. The backhand is a slap on the side of the face.

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"before I gave you a way to live, you don't know how to repent!"

"you are proud of helping to do evil, acting like a tiger, bullying men and women, aren't you"

while shaking his head, he said, "Don't dare, don't dare!"


Ye Hao is another big slap.

"if you have some skills, you think you are the King of Heaven!"

"A teacher doesn't know how to teach a tree!"

"how dare you call yourself the head coach"

Edge gritted his teeth: "I will never be again!"


Ye Hao got another slap.

"I'll tell you again, and for the last time."

"or learn how to be a human being."

"or I will reincarnate you and turn over a new leaf."

"do you understand"

when he knew in an instant that he had saved his life, he kowtowed directly.

"got it!"

"I see!"

"such a thing, I promise, will never happen again!"

at the moment, the side is really sincere, kowtowing when the "knock" sound, knock their own forehead bleeding.

the crowd watched the scene and stared at it directly.

the head coach of martial arts in the religious college has come to such an end. I'm afraid no one will believe it when he says it.

it can be said that which is strong and which is weak, it is clear at a glance!

finally, under Ye Hao's foot, he rolled and crawled away, and in the process, he didn't even dare to fart.

as for those who cheered Yang Fei, they looked at each other, and the next moment they all scattered like birds and animals.

Su Renbao also walked up to Ye Hao with a trembling face, squeezed out a smile and looked like a dog's leg, saying, "Ye Shao, you do things, you do things, I'll go first."

"by the way, I'm going to say hello to all these people tonight. I promise, no one will say anything!"iable."Ye Hao looked at Zhao Jiazi indifferently and said slowly, "not to mention that according to the rules of the Longmen Congress, I am the champion of the provincial competition, so I can definit...