Chapter 5446

na before." M."without these premises, I wouldn't risk coming here tonight.""there is no way to solve Xiaolou neatly.""to sum up, it doesn't matter if you take this as a dry stock, it's just a token o...Chapter 5446

"Kim Junying is gone."

in the supreme box, Xie Mengyao's eyes fell out of the window.

"I still can't believe it would be so easy with his style."

"he's really indifferent when you tear up his check"

Ye Hao picked up his chopsticks, took a piece of stewed sirloin and ate it, drank a few mouthfuls of tea, and then smiled and said, "who says our golden boy is indifferent"

"can't you see that the door of Jinling Hotel is closed"

"this Hongmen banquet doesn't know how to cover it up properly. We won't do it until we leave here."

"this is unscrupulous!"

when she heard Ye Hao's words, Xie Mengyao frowned slightly, and the next moment, her eyes fell on the entrance to the supreme box.

I don't know when there was a short man in that place.


the man was dressed in a broad island sword robe, with two long and short island knives hanging around his waist.

the whole person is like an unsheathed sword, emitting an unspeakable edge.


looking at this island native, Xie Mengyao looks a bit ugly.

after taking a casual glance, Ye Hao said, "not an ordinary island."

"it should be a master of one of the six major schools in the island country."

"the most important thing is that he must have been injected with American genetic medicine."

"with genetic technology and island martial arts, it's not as simple as one plus one."

Ye Hao ate food while commenting.

"I know the martial arts of the island, and I also know about genetic technology."

"you are like a rumor, and you are not easy to deal with."

the island man speaks slowly at the moment, his voice is dry and does not look like a human being.

Ye Hao said faintly, "if you know I'm not easy to deal with, don't come and die."

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"now close the door and leave, and I can pretend you haven't been here."

"A very moving proposal."

the islanders spoke slowly.

"it's a pity that I was ordered to take your head back."

"my master is waiting to give your head to his sweetheart as a token of love."

"I hope you don't make it difficult for me."

Ye Hao tilted his head, put down his chopsticks and said, "your master"

"since you are from an island, the owner of your house should be Abe, who recently came to Jinling."

"his brother Abe was swollen and his face was swollen by me, and he didn't come to trouble me."

"and now you're picking on me for a woman"

"in that case, that woman must be Karina"

"Abe, Karina, island warrior, genetic warrior"

"it seems that the Kim family is very close to you."

"I am not relieved that such a family, even the top one, is in charge of the government in the middle of the summer."

"are you worried"

the small islanders scoffed at Ye Hao.

"what qualifications do you have to worry about"

"do you think you are the leader of Daxia or the Donggong of Daxia"

"it's just a dog with a mouse, mind your own business!"

"since you are so ignorant of the nature of heaven and earth, things will be easy to do today."

the small islanders looked at Ye Hao calmly.

"introduce yourself, under the name Liu Sheng Musashi!"

"one of the top ten swordsmen of the island, who has served my master and son for many years."

"you can give yourself a chance to cut yourself."

"if I do it, you won't have a whole body."

when Xie Mengyao heard the name, she could not help gasping: "Liu Sheng Musashi"

"the island's nose camel flow is too superior to the elders!"e, you are nothing but a dog from the Penang martial arts league!""but my teacher is the deputy leader of the Penang martial arts league!""my brother is the first arrogance of the Penang martial arts...