Chapter 5289

posed by Ye Hao, and she even wanted to come forward and strangle Ye Hao, if not for the occasion."this is an auction house, not a vegetable market. If you have any grievances, you can go outside and...Chapter 5289

A hat is taken down one by one, and ordinary people are scared to death.

but Ye Hao smiled faintly at the moment, then walked up to Jin Junying with his hands on his back.

then without giving Jin Junying a chance to react, Ye Hao slapped Jin Junying in the face with his backhand.


Kim Chun-young's body flew out in an instant and hit the ground hard.

even with Kim Chun-young's hidden skills, I can't react at the moment.

he thought he was careless and didn't flash, because he really didn't expect that Ye Hao dared to slap himself in the face like this.

the whole audience was as silent as death!

who is Kim Junying

Jinling Jin family is big and young!


No matter how low-key it is, it is one of the top generations in Daxia.

in the presence of so many big people on such a big occasion, Ye Hao dared to make a sudden attack and slapped Kim Junying in the face

who gave him the courage

people, including Huo Yuanhu, all look strange one by one, obviously unexpectedly that Ye Hao is so strong.

and Jin Junying stretched out her hand and touched her face in some surprise at the moment. When her face was swollen, his face sank sharply.

he had no idea that Ye Hao dared to slap himself on such an occasion.

this is completely disregarding him as a member of the Jin family.

"Ye Hao, violence hurts people in front of international friends. It seems that the complaints made by these international friends against you just now are all true!"

"it's okay for you to hit me, but it's not good to show your identity as a representative of Ye in front of so many international friends, is it"

when it comes to this, Jin Junying's face is full of sarcasm.

what is it for someone like him to be angry for a while

if the cause and effect of this slap can put Ye Hao in the dust.

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so even if Ye Hao slapped him ten or eight more times, he would still admit it.

Ye Hao looked at Jin Junying faintly, smiled and said, "Jin Da Shao, I gave you a slap in the face. Why don't you learn your lesson and keep your mouth so cheap"

"how many more slaps do you want me to give you"

"Don't beep here to show the authority of the Kim family."

"what's going on here there are videos on the scene at any time!"

"it's not fair to say what happened today!"

"but as soon as you came, regardless of the fact that I acted as a representative of the Great Xia Wushu League, you pointed out that I was doing evil."

"are you going to hit me directly in the face, or are you going to drag the Daxia Wushu League into this"

"if you ask me, you are the real one who can be punished!"

"you are big and young in the Jin family, and you are one of the top sons in Daxia."

"if you don't know how to act upright, you can only do these intrigues."

"do you think this is very capable"

Ye Hao stepped forward, reached out and patted Jin Junying's face with a look of disdain.

"since you have opened the Daxia Wushu League, the shut-up leaves represent."

"you keep reminding me that because of this identity, I can't act recklessly and can't be too arrogant."

"however, as a person, I like to work against people best."

"since you don't want me to be arrogant, I'll be arrogant."

"Kim Jun-young, I'll give you a minute to think about it!"

"kneel at the grave of Brother du, slap himself a hundred times, kowtow to admit his mistake, and apologize for leaving."

"otherwise, I will invalidate you today and make it impossible for you to stand up for the rest of your life."

at this point, Ye Hao clapped his hands.

Qin Menghan cooperated very much to take out a futon and throw it on the ground, kneeling in the direction of the tombstone.lly du Liang holds the master token, and both the Lu family and the Xiong family are extremely afraid of him.""I even tried to get du Liang into trouble several times, but they were all calculated in...