Chapter 4935

he comes back, and if he wants to, he is still Ye Shizi!""you Ye family, no one can stop it!"."what Ye Hao is Ye Shizi Is also the chief coach How is that possible " Nalan Ruo's pretty face is full o...Chapter 4935

after helping Zheng Maner get an explanation, Ye Hao did not dismiss du Guangqi and others, but asked them to send a group of experts to protect Zheng Maner's family for 24 hours.

because although there is no definite evidence for this incident today, there is Jin Junying behind it.

the Jin family's ingenuity and forbearance are beyond the reach of ordinary people.

so he'll probably do it again.

however, with the protection of many experts in Jinling, Ye Hao also believes that even if Jin Junying strikes again, she will probably not be as blatant as before.

for the next two days, it was calm.

when Ye Hao went to pick up Zheng Maner and discharged from the hospital, he casually explained a few words to Tang Ling.

surprisingly, Tang Ling didn't swear this time. Obviously, she got some news a long time ago.

Ye Hao took it for granted when he thought of Zhen Xiaoxiao.

maybe that night, Zhen Xiaoxiao and her weird mother angrily came to trouble Tang Ling and wanted an explanation.


just as Ye Hao was wondering if he would like to go to Jin's house in person, a phone call from Zhu Guanglu suddenly came in.

he told Ye Hao that the fengshui that Ye Hao had changed to the ancestral home of the Zhu family in the hidden world had been completely completed.

he invited Ye Hao to go over and have a look at the hidden world Zhu family, which was more reassuring.

Ye Hao didn't talk nonsense either. After hanging up the phone, he asked Luo Bohua to send himself to the ancestral house of the hidden Zhu family.

Zhu Guanglu, the director of the Jinling Housing and Construction Department, has been waiting at the gate for a long time.

when he saw Ye Hao appear, he immediately came over and said in a deep voice, "Brother Ye, I'm glad you're here!"

"after you changed the fengshui of the Zhu family, everything went smoothly.


" but today, I don't know why, my father is sitting alone in his study and has been in a daze all day.

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" I'm afraid he's hit the devil! "

"it's not easy to say it directly on the phone, but please don't mind brother Ye!"

obviously, Zhu Guanglu is very worried, but his father Zhu Hongzhen is not only the head of the six families in the hidden world, but also the head of the Jinling government.

how can such a person claim to bump into evil spirits

therefore, inviting Ye Hao here is also a helpless move.

"well, normally, pops should be all right.


" when I changed feng shui that day, I made a lot of preparations.

Ye Hao looked surprised as he walked.

"normally, with such a change in my feng shui, everything should be settled!"

"how can you bump into evil spirits"

Zhu Guanglu shrugged and said, "Ye Shao, I don't know what's going on. Anyway, you'd better go and have a look."


" good! "

Ye Hao nodded slightly, took out his compass and calculated as he walked.

only after taking a few steps, Ye Hao suddenly squinted at a direction where a purple light rose from the sky.

this breath

after taking a few glances, Ye Hao frowned and said, "Zhu Department, what is that place"

Zhu Guanglu looked at the past and whispered, "that's the Don's treasure pavilion."


" just say so, but I have never seen any treasure in it.


Ye Hao frowned slightly and said," is it convenient for me to go over and have a look "

Zhu Guanglu didn't refuse either, but nodded and walked over with Ye Hao.

soon, the gate of the so-called treasure pavilion opened.d!""moreover, Liu Wenxuan's purpose of arranging this game is not pure in the first place, and they will not let it go like this!"Zheng Maner looked anxious and remorseful.Ye Hao wiped his hair and sa...