Chapter 4877

igh above and arrogant.Zheng Jun looked at Ye Hao viciously and wanted to strangle him.Ye Hao smiled lightly and said, "Dad, watch, they can't get in."(adsbygoogle = indo.adsbygoogle | | []). Ush ({})...Chapter 4877

after saying these great truths, Zhang Xixue, with a superior posture, wrapped her arms around her chest and said coldly, "it's up to you whether you want to do it or not."

"but you remember!"

"after passing through this village, there will be no such shop!"

obviously, for Zhang Xixue, she has seen too many smug villains.

but such small potatoes, usually under the pressure of big shots like her, will directly collapse and give up their hypocritical self-esteem.

so at this moment, Zhang Xixue has great confidence that she has thoroughly pinched Ye Hao.

Zhang Xixue would have wanted Ye Hao, the son of a bitch, to get down on his knees before talking if it wasn't for the evil things that happened to his father.

Ye Hao said faintly, "I believe you will wait for me at the next store after this village."


" and wait for me on my knees.


" however, the price will have to be increased then.




" kneel for four days and four nights.


Zhang Xixue suddenly turned cold when he heard Ye Hao's words.

she squinted her good-looking eyes and said coldly, "Ye, you really won't shed tears until you see the coffin, and you won't give up until you reach the Yellow River!"

"Don't you know and understand"

"if you miss the opportunity I gave you, you will have no choice but to die!"

"I'll give you ten minutes to think about it, think it over, figure it out before you answer me!"

Ye Hao pulled out a tissue and wiped his fingers. "No, I can tell you the answer now," Ye Hao said.


" if I don't kneel, I won't save.

Fang Tianxiu pulled out the firearm from his waist and turned on the safety directly at the moment.

he turned the handle of the gun and then said coldly, "Ye, you can't even promise today, and you have to say yes if you don't."


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" if you refuse, I'll shoot you directly! "

"anyway, if you arrest or resist the law, any charge will be enough for me to kill you on the spot.


" as for your wife, her company employees have lost their lives, and as a president, she has been able to pay for her lives! "

the arrogance of Fang Tian's painting can be called arrogance when he said this.

"Mr. Fang, you have to pay attention to evidence when you speak. If there is no evidence, you will be hit in the face later. I'm afraid you won't be able to step down."


Ye Hao spoke faintly.

"or is it that your Supervisory Department is here on behalf of the Supervisory Department of the Tang Police Station headquarters, and if there is no evidence, you are going to take someone"

Fang Tian smiled angrily, pointed to the body covered with white cloth on the hospital bed, and sneered: "the body is here, you say I have no evidence"


Ye Hao smiled and walked up to the so-called corpse. Then he clapped his right hand at each other's red field and a little bit at the sea of air, and heard a "um" sound. The person who was supposed to have died completely made a strange cry directly at the moment.

at the same time, a silver needle appeared in the middle of his eyebrow. Ye Hao pulled out the silver needle and immediately saw the old man start coughing violently.

"using the secret method of driving corpses in Xiangxi to fix the lives of the injured, disguised as corpses, to frame my wife.


" you call this thing evidence

Ye Hao smiled and looked sarcastic.

there was a moment of silence around, looking at the old man coughing violently, both the medical staff and the spectators, with a look of disbelief.

No one would have thought that things would still be bright when things got to this point.

but Ye Hao is right again, the old man is not dead, he is still alive, what is the reason for the celestial painting to take people

Zhu Xiangwu said coldly, "Secretary Fang Jian, although your people in the Department of Supervision can indeed monitor all parties, we can also report and report."


" in everything, it's better to pay attention to evidence! "admit, you are a figure. You have done a lot of great things in Hong Kong and gambling these days. You can be regarded as a popular figure!""but that's not how business works!""if you can fight again,...