Chapter 4823

rve it!Bei Xiao looked at the hesitant second generation in the field and felt a burst of disdain.these guys usually eat and wait for death, and domineering each one is getting worse and worse.but whe...Chapter 4823


when he saw this, Kubo Taro's face was full of sarcasm.

obviously, the struggle of trapped animals like Xie Xiaobing is like a big joke in his eyes.

if you rely on a breath of anger and courage in your heart, you think you can change your life against heaven and defeat your opponent.

then we can only say that Xie Xiaobing is so naive!

is ridiculously naive!

the next moment, Kubotaro didn't bother to move, but stood where he was, and the long knife of the island in his hand suddenly split toward the front.

"Yan Hui!"

"A nose camel flow's killing trick, Yan Hui!"

the feminine man lying on the ground opened his mouth excitedly. It is estimated that he would not be so excited to see his father come back from the dead.



"Qiang -"

with a bit of a broken line, the long knife of the island fell instantly on the dagger of Xie Xiaobing.

the dagger forged by stainless steel suddenly clicked into pieces.

the next moment, the knife still roared and fell toward Xie Xiaobing's face.

Xie Xiaobing's face is so ugly that even if she is full of reluctance, she can only roll and crawl back at the moment.


it's just that Xie Xiaobing's strength is there, and she can't be faster than Kubo Taro's knife.

the moment Xie Xiaobing retreated, the skin of her throat cracked, revealing a blood-red wound.

by the slightest margin, her trachea would have been cut off and her aorta would have sprayed blood directly.

but even so, the blood is still overflowing.

Xie Xiaobing covered her neck with fear, with an unspeakable look on her face.

after all, only those who have passed through the dead can understand the benefits of being alive.

"good luck.

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" just depends on luck and doesn't last long.

Kubo Taro looked at the scene with a look of disdain.

the people of Daxia dare to show off in front of him. They simply don't know how high the sky is and how thick the earth is.

at this moment, he didn't even bother to use the knife.

because he feels that Xie Xiaobing is no longer qualified to let him move.

he just stepped forward and then fell toward Xie Xiaobing's face.

although this foot is not as terrible as the knife just now, it is still incomparably strong.

Xie Xiaobing is in a weak state at the moment, unable to even dodge, and can only subconsciously cross his hands to block the blow.


hit right in the middle, Xie Xiaobing blinked all over and spurted out blood.

she staggered back and leaned against the rockery, feeling numb all over her body as if she were about to break.

at this moment, Xie Xiaobing looked at Kubo Taro, full of fear and prayer.

she knows very well that under such circumstances, if Kubo Taro wants to kill himself, it will only be a matter of minutes.

there is nothing but sadness in Xie Xiaobing's heart at the moment.

this time she left the mountain gate and thought she was the king. When she returned to Jinling, she had to exert her skills and suppress the four sides.

but unexpectedly, it was a pity that he fell ill and died in the army when he went to war against Wei Weijie.

not to mention the crackdown on the Quartet, even the first task given to her by the eldest lady of her own family can not be accomplished. I am simply embarrassed!

at the thought of this, Xie Xiaobing gave a sad smile and resolutely prepared to die!

she took a deep breath, took out another Emei thorn, and said sadly, "son of a bitch surnamed Ye, for the sake of the lady, get out of here!"

"I'll buy you a few minutes.

"admire you for your skill, but I only believe in people and don't believe in ghosts and gods, so I don't want to believe that I have blood disaster.""but my second brother thinks it's true.""when he s...