Chapter 4779

rry, young man. My family Lin Yao thinks too much of herself, so she inevitably acts arrogantly and domineering sometimes. Please forgive me.""you are a big shot, so you don't need to be as knowledgea...Chapter 4779

soon, led by Wang Yuanjie, Ye Hao and his party came to a building similar to the Roman Colosseum.

this place is at least thousands of square meters, and there is a sunken ring in the middle.

all around are sofas polished by Huanghua pears in Hainan. There is a huge coffee table in front of the sofa, with all kinds of food and wine on it.

each sofa is equipped with a charming cheongsam girl with long legs that attract people's attention.

it is obvious that the people who can appear here are definitely people from the upper circle of Jinling.

Ye Hao's eyes swept through the crowd and soon fell on Xie Mengyao.

Xie Mengyao wears a white dress tonight, with white stockings on her long legs and expensive high heels under her feet, making her look delicate, beautiful and stylish.

she sat on the sofa with long legs folded and Herm è s snow mountain bags on her legs, shining slightly in the light.

and her side, Huo Yuanhu, Wang Wenbin, Luo Tianyou, Xing Hongyi, du Guangqi and so on are impressively listed.

except that the Zhu family, who represents the reclusive world of the government, is not fit to be present, all the other important figures of the five hermit families have come.


Ye Hao also saw a nervous Xing Lei in the crowd.

it is obvious that today's battle is very important.

these confident bigwigs who are full of confidence in the past are all frowning slightly now.

and the armed security around them made the atmosphere in the field a bit more serious.

on the Huanghuali sofa not far from them, there was a young man who looked almost 21 or 12 years old with his legs crossed.

he was surrounded by a charming girl with a playful expression that made people feel very uncomfortable just at a glance.

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in addition, there are many people standing behind him, all of whom are glowing in the light of their eyes and bulging their temples, and they all look like great masters.

the distance between the two sides is not very far, but they both seem to be very hostile to each other. If it is not the wrong occasion, I am afraid they will fight directly.

Wang Yuanjie introduced a sentence in a low voice.

this young man who seems to be arrogant and domineering is the son of the end of the Hall of Everlasting Life.

this time, it was he who represented Yan Qian to fight in this arena.

in addition to these two sides, in the rear, there is a group of beautifully dressed men and women standing or sitting.

these people are all born with an air of nobility, and it seems that ordinary people are not even qualified to look at them.

you don't have to think about it, this is definitely a real big shot in the top circle.

however, among these people, the most striking one is a woman in a cheongsam.

she has a plain face, but her face is extremely delicate, with a thick disdain on her face, which is obviously contemptuous of the country bumpkin below.

besides her, there are several men and women beside her, each looking indifferent, their faces hidden in the dark, so that people can not see the calendar, but can understand that they are really not small.

"Ye Shao, this is the case.


" We have lost five games in a row.


" but Matsui Daqing, who was the first to appear on the other side, was still calm.


" We don't know how much longer we can hold out.


Ye Hao's eyes fell on the ring and said faintly," I'll take another look.

"econd elder Xiong Renjie to support himself!if you say so, you are doomed to be in position today!Ye is also doomed to die! At the thought of, du Changyi was excited.BAM--just then, the car stopped.Lu...