chapter 465

encountered such a scene.""you are really good. You are really one of the candidates for Tang Shizi.""it's just that, as a person, I can't stand the challenge, so I'd better not provoke you with a ki...Chapter 465

Zheng Jun, Tang Ling, Zheng Maner, Zheng Xiaoxuan.

they all have dull expressions and don't know what to look like.

these guards not only did not check their invitations, but also respectfully let them into Baiyun outer courtyard

while Zheng Zhiyong and others, who were ready to see jokes outside, the expressions on their faces solidified directly at the moment.

"they. How did they get in there This. How is that possible "

Father Zheng had a dull look on his face and an incredible look on his face. He didn't believe what he saw.

but Zheng Jun and Tang Ling looked back with comfortable expressions on their faces.

that was awesome. Anyway, they all came in.

Zheng Jun has been in Yangcheng for many years and knows how difficult it is for this place to enter. Now he has a dreamlike expression on his face: "are you coming in" Good son-in-law, how did you do it "

at this time, he even changed his address.

used to be called Ye Hao trash, loser, garbage man.

but now he calls him a good son-in-law.

because at the moment they think this son-in-law is more or less useful.

at least, it saved a lot of face for them.

Tang Ling seemed to think of something and said, "Ye Hao, you said that one of your college classmates came to Nanhai from Yangcheng to start a business."

"this time, he helped, right"

Ye Hao, a classmate, can lend him 10 million yuan at will, and Porsche also drives it to him. He is obviously a figure.

Ye Hao smiled and said, "Mom, you are so discerning that you can guess what's going on at once."

"Oh" Zheng Jun smiled and said, "I don't know which family your classmate belongs to. Maybe I still know him."

Ye Hao said faintly, "he's just a figure who can't get on the table. He just has a little money. He's not a member of the family."

Zheng Jun sighed, "Yes, the water in Yangcheng is too deep, and connections are much more important than money."

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Ye Hao smiled and said nothing. This is a thing of the past.

but Zheng Maner looked suspicious. She was with Ye Hao and knew he didn't even call.

can things be that simple

in the Baiyun outer courtyard, the four members of the Zheng family were careful not to trample on every plant and tree here.

after all, they dare not act recklessly on such an occasion.

only Ye Hao looked flat and occasionally looked around with a sarcastic expression on his face.

he bought this place at that time, and he chose many of the decorations himself.

but now that these things are gone, it is obvious that the Ye family has been erasing his sense of existence over the past three years.

it is a pity that as long as there is no way to erase him, then there is no point in erasing these so-called sense of existence.

"can you really come in here" Have I read it right "

at this moment, there was a voice of surprise behind him.

Ye Hao and others subconsciously looked back and their faces changed slightly.

these people should be Bei family, and the first one is Bei Xiao.

Bei Xiao was really surprised at the moment. Could it be that this door-to-door son-in-law really bought an invitation at a high price otherwise, how could he be here

"Why can't we come" It was Zheng Xiaoxuan who opened the mouth.

Bei Xiao glanced up and down at Zheng Xiaoxuan. Her eyes flashed by, and then she smiled and said, "you have some skills, but no matter how you got the invitation, you can't come in casually."

"Circle, do you understand"

"Gentlemen have a circle of Gentlemen, but you are not classy in Yangcheng!"

"if I force my way into this circle, all I have to do is open my mouth and I can reveal who you are. Can you believe it"the person kneeling on the ground at the moment is Chen Hongxuan of Zhongtian Group.the dandy, who used to be a rich and young man, is now dirty and looks miserable.he still has a broken hand, but if...