Chapter 4653

at's what it should mean!""Great! In this way, we, the Zheng family, can become a second-rate family in Yangcheng! "Grandpa Zheng's eyes filled with tears. 33 novel Networkwhat a surprise! I can't bel...Jin Nana doesn't think there is anything wrong with her cognition at all.

on the contrary, she felt that she had seen the whole truth.

in her eyes, Ye Hao is nothing.

as for what she did to Zheng Maner, she thought that since she had already cooked raw rice, could Zheng Maner go against the weather Can you be completely shameless


while talking, Jin Nana once again called Zheng Maner in front of Ye Hao.

it's just that there is always a busy tone on the other side, and there is no answer.

she also sent Wechat and text messages, but there was still no response.

even on the Wechat chat interface, she saw a red exclamation point.

when she saw the exclamation point, Jinnana finally realized it.

she was blocked!

in her eyes, Zheng Maner, a good best friend who has always been obedient to her, unexpectedly blocked her.

how dare Zheng Maner

how does Zheng Maner match

at this moment, Jinnana was very angry.

she responded, stared at Ye Hao viciously, took a bite of her shell teeth and said loudly, "I see!"

"it's you!"

"it was you who confessed right and wrong, and you blew the pillow wind for Zheng Maner. That's why she blocked me!"

"from beginning to end, you are just a little man who sows discord!"

"but you know, no matter what happens between me and Maner, we are still good friends and best friends!"

"if you are a door-to-door son-in-law who has long been kicked out of the door, if you dare to do so, you will be useless!"

it is obvious that Jin Nana believes that Ye Hao's words framed her and let Zheng Maner block herself.

"Ye, I'm in a good mood today. I don't want to argue with you!"

"get down on your knees, kowtow to me and admit your mistake, and then go as far as you can!"

"what happens between our top families is not something that a door-to-door son-in-law can get involved with!"

"you can't afford to get involved!"

Ye Hao ignored Jin Nana, who was like a clown at the moment, just squatted down, patted Kanazawa's face, and said faintly, "have you made up your mind"

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"if you want to die, just hit the ground so as not to get my hands dirty."

"if you want to live, you must file a petition for me."

"everyone is fooling around, do you know what I mean"

Kanazawa nodded and bowed, and the next moment he directly felt out the firearm attached to his waist and pointed directly at Jin Nana in Ye Hao's indifferent eyes.

"second brother, what are you doing"

"are you crazy"

"Ye Hao does what this punk asks you to do"

"have you become one of his dogs"

Kanazawa shook his head. Even without Ye Hao's instructions, he now wants to kill Jin Nana, a stupid woman.

"bang, bang, bang!"

several shots were fired.

Jinnana screamed. She was shot in all her limbs. She fell to the ground and kept crying.

"you are really stupid to be a smart man in your next life."

Jun Kanazawa stepped forward and put the gun to her forehead.


the sound of the firearm came out, and Jinnana still had reluctance and disbelief on her face, and then slowly stopped breathing.

"Yes, it's interesting."

Ye Hao said faintly.

"piss off."

"but remember what I said, every day Kim Chun-young's every move will be launched to my designated mailbox."

"remember, including how many meals he ate and drank a few mouthfuls of water every day."

listening to Ye Hao's indifferent tone and watching Ye Hao turn away, Jin Zejun's eyelids jumped wildly.

he knew very well that he had been completely pinched by Ye Hao as soon as he pulled the trigger.

unless he can find someone, he can solve Ye Hao directly at once.

otherwise, he can only do what Ye Hao says!

he is one of Ye Hao's dogs!

when he remembered that he had become the dog of a door-to-door son-in-law, Jun Kanazawa looked unwilling, but in the end he could only sigh helplessly.

it has always been the case to be the winner and shot one after another, one constantly pulling the trigger, the other constantly throwing out the flying knife.A series of flames flared up in mid-air, and a moment later Nan Kung-su's bullets fina...