Chapter 4533

three mu of land, in the face of Ye Jiutian's woman and the young lady of the Xu family, she was still able to do so.this man is really desperate and amazing!"go, let's go!""Kill him, kill him!""I'm...Ye Hao, who returned to Jifu Hall, did not struggle with what happened to the Zheng family.

he believes that, like the royal clubhouse, it can always be explained clearly.

the most important thing is that he is now focusing on the affairs of the Hall of Everlasting Life.

thinking about this, he called Xie Mengyao again.

this time, after ringing several times, the phone finally got through.

across the street came Xie Mengyao's sweet and greasy voice: "Hey, my Ye is big and young. Don't you have to rest at night"

Ye Hao looked up at the pointer at less than ten o'clock and said silently, "did you go to bed so early"

"cut the crap. Have Yuanwei and others come up with any results today"

Xie Mengyao sighed, turned on the voice of her mobile phone, and Ye Hao immediately heard the scream of Ruo Ruo coming from the opposite side.

after listening to Ye Hao for a moment, Xie Mengyao said, "everything you can do is done." "I've asked everything I can."

"although these guys are disciples of Dalin Temple, the holy place of martial arts, they are all good."

"but in the Hall of Eternal Life, they are really minions."

"at present, from the evidence they can provide, the person behind them should be pointing to the lack of face."

"Kim Jun-young, whom you want to testify against, has no evidence at all."

"even if they open their mouth and keep their mouth shut, there is no evidence, but no evidence is no evidence."

"after all, Jin Junying is the future leader of the top ten Jinling families."

"in the absence of evidence, if this news comes out, I'm afraid both sides will have to fight to the end."

"so, at present, it is very difficult to find Kim Chun-young."

Ye Hao nodded and said faintly, "Don't worry, the fox always shows its tail."

"as long as Kim Chun-young is from the Hall of Everlasting Life, she will always come to us."

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"in no hurry."

opposite Xie Mengyao smiled and said, "I see. I will take care of these people and promise that they will not reveal any other information."

"you are old and young, so go on fishing."

after hanging up the phone, Ye Hao let out a wry smile and can only say that the red fairy is the red fairy. When

Yuanwei and others fall into her hands, I'm afraid they really have to go to Heaven's Paradise to recite scriptures.

but this matter doesn't have much to do with Ye Hao. I can't help it in the world.

when these disciples of Dalin Temple joined the Hall of Everlasting Life and began to set fire to evil, they should be able to think that they would end up like this one day.

after washing and getting ready for bed, Ye Hao's cell phone vibrated violently again.

Ye Hao picked it up and looked at it and could only sigh to connect it.

the caller is Zheng Xiaoxuan.

"brother-in-law, did you fall out with my sister again"

"does that mean I have a chance" Across the street from

came the laughter of Zheng Xiaoxuan.

Ye Hao said faintly: "Sorry, the key to my falling out with your sister lies in that mother-in-law."

"can I jump into the same hole again"


Zheng Xiaoxuan on the other side obviously beeps her mouth.

"I don't care. Your falling out is your business, but your brother-in-law will always be your brother-in-law!"

"tomorrow I will finish filming and go back to Jinling."

"remember to pick me up at the airport!"

"and take me to delicious food."

"you don't know how much I suffocate in Movie City these days."

"OK, I'll pick you up and take you to eat delicious food."

Ye Hao sighed that there was really nothing he could do about this coquettish sister-in-law.etting the suspect come with us!""if we don't go, we'll just shoot him and take it away in a coffin!""if anything happens to my sister this time, she will put him on the bottom of the coffin!"at this...