Chapter 4482

unt Tang!"Ma Linger seemed to have expected that Zheng Maner might have this reaction. Now she chuckled and clapped her hands.with her movements, more than a dozen fierce men in suits pounced on Zheng...Chapter 4482

Ye Hao frowned at Wen Yan: "the situation of the old lady of the Huo family is so difficult"

in the final analysis, it is just a case of food poisoning, but Ye Hao doesn't think it will come to a tricky point.

Luo Tianyou frowned and said, "although the old lady of the Huo family is caused by eating three foods without food, the situation seems to be different from food poisoning."

"A lot of experts have come up with their skills, but they are still useless."

"by the way, people from the police station and the Food and Drug Administration also conducted surprise interrogations on the suspect, but she could only say that she had bought a bargain at the wholesale market, but could not find the owner."

"and by the time the test results come out, the old lady of the Huo family may be dead."

Ye Hao's expression changed slightly when he heard this, and he didn't know what Tang Ling would have to suffer under interrogation.

although he still doesn't like Tang Ling, anyway, for Zheng Maner's sake, he can't let anything happen to Tang Ling.

as soon as he thought of this, Ye Hao said, "Please tell Zhu Xiangwu that you are a little nicer to the suspect."

"at least don't let her suffer too much in prison."


"I will do my best to deal with the old lady of the Huo family."

Luo Tianyou slightly stupefied: "Brother Ye, does the suspect have something to do with you"

Ye Hao said faintly, "my former mother-in-law."

when he heard this, Luo Tianyou looked strange, but he quickly took out his cell phone and made a phone call.

soon, Ye Hao followed Luo Tianyou to the intensive care unit of the private hospital.

the birds and flowers outside the intensive care unit look like a wonderland on earth.

but there were a lot of people gathered at the door of the ward, each with a sad face.

and every one of these people in Jinling is a big shot who can make Jinling tremble by stamping his foot.

they gathered together with sad faces, and the scene was really a bit thrilling.

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Wang Wenbin, Lin Dai and others were present. When they saw Ye Hao's appearance, they all looked delighted and leaned over: "Ye Shao, you're here."

Ye Hao nodded slightly, and there was no nonsense, but went to the front of the crowd and frowned slightly.

"We have lavaged the old lady's stomach, injected serum, and taken stomach sections to be tested."

"but nothing has been found so far."

A doctor who looks a little tired now speaks earnestly to a middle-aged man in a Mao suit.

"and in the process, the old lady's condition is getting worse and worse, and she is now in a deep coma."

"I now suspect that there is something highly toxic in the Sanwu product she ate, but the test results have not yet come out, and I can no longer rashly use the medicine."

"however, I will speed up the progress and strive for a result today."

"and let Mr. Huo feel at ease!"

this doctor should have a high status because he is surrounded by a lot of medical staff.

but when he is middle-aged in a Mao suit, he is still cautious.

it is obvious that the man in the Mao suit is Huo Yuanhu.

Huo Yuanhu is only 1.7 meters tall at most, but dressed in a Mao suit, he stands there with an unspeakable demeanor that makes people want to kowtow in front of him.

after all, among the six families in the hidden world, the Huo family controls more than half of the power on Jinling Road.

moreover, Huo Yuanhu himself is a martial arts master.

he behaves like a charlatan. It can be said that among the rivers and lakes of Jinling, no one can keep pace with Huo Yuanhu except du Liang of the Yin Shi du family.

and du Liang's strength depends more on the southwest Tianmen Village behind him.

and Huo Yuanhu is entirely on his own, from which we can see that he is strong.e moment."Ye, pretend! At this time, you keep pretending! ""soon you will be frozen into an ice sculpture!""there is no place to die!""that is, Abe Shin can't even have a big Onmyoji like Mr. Abe. Wha...