Chapter 4384

an' er with a satisfied look. He fell in love with this woman wholeheartedly after seeing her from afar. However, he never had the chance, but he didn't expect that God would open his eyes and send he...when he heard Li Lilong's words, Chen Hongmin and Jiang Xueqin, who had a shocked face, looked at each other, and then they all suddenly realized.

I see. No wonder Li Lilong suffered a great loss.

it turns out that the son of a bitch surnamed Ye doesn't talk about martial arts morality, sneak attack!

what a shame!

as a man, do you use sneak attack if you can't win

this is simply a disgrace to men in the world!


Ye Hao didn't talk nonsense. He just slapped it out.

Li Lilong could not dodge, and the body that had just stood up flew out again.

this time, he hit another table.

all of a sudden, the cup is in a mess.

"sneak attack"

Ye Hao did not stop, and walked over with another slap.

"do you think a guy like you is qualified for me to sneak up"

"hit you as a loser, need a sneak attack"

Li Lenglong tried his best to avoid it, but it didn't make any sense, and he still couldn't avoid it.

then he was slapped off again.

he struggled to get up, but ended up with another slap.


A series of applause continued to come out, Li Lilong kept rolling on the ground, and his face was beaten to a pig's head.

each slap looks no different from the previous round of slaps.

when the last slap fell, Li Lilong rolled and spit out a few teeth.


Li Lilong, who fell to the ground, spurted out his old blood and looked at the teeth in the blood. He wanted to cry without tears.

his fighting spirit, also at this moment, completely disintegrated.

soon, I heard a "bang", one foot stepped on Li Lilong's face.

weighs about a thousand jin!

Li Lilong struggled with all his strength to make himself look less embarrassed.

but it doesn't make any sense, everything is in vain.

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Jiang Xueqin and others looked at Ye Hao in horror.

they know very well how good Li Lilong is.

but the problem is that the powerful Li Laolong not only did not crush Ye Hao, but now Ye Hao trampled on his face and struggled like a dead dog on the ground.


how is that possible

how can a man surnamed Ye crush a generation of Brigadier King

this is simply unimaginable!

Chen Hongmin looked at Ye Hao with a shocked face and felt that he was not qualified to do so!

"Li Da Shao, I just accidentally attacked you for ten or eight times. You shouldn't be angry, will you"

Ye Hao pushed hard at his feet and smiled.

"how did you learn not to be vigilant Knowing that I was going to attack you, how could you not be on your guard "

"you let me down like this!"

as he spoke, Ye Hao's feet grew stronger and stronger, while Li Lilong began to scream.

and this scene makes those men and women in fine clothes look silent and tremble.

who would have thought that the arrogant and domineering Li Lilong fell into the hands of Ye Hao and unexpectedly ended up like this. Chen Hongxuan's eyes in the corner of

are full of happy colors. How he wishes he had stepped on Li Lilong on the soles of his feet!

but he knows very well that it's impossible!

so at this moment, Chen Hongxuan had nothing but clenched teeth and waited for the opportunity.

"are you the king of soldiers"

Li Lilong managed to move his face away from the soles of Ye Hao's feet, and he gritted his teeth.

in his opinion, this is the only possibility.

after all, he is a strong soldier at the level of quasi-soldier king!

how can he crush himself easily if he is not the king of soldiers

Li Lilong's heart is full of regret at the moment. If he had known that Ye Hao was a soldier king, he should not have pretended to compare, but should have directly used a firearm!e door of the Tianri Group. Maybe that one will let you go.""bang!"third Master Tang looked at Nalan Xingzhi coldly and slapped him in the face."Nalan Xingzhi, pay attention to your identity, even if...