Chapter 4338

g who sighed and said, "Jun, Ling, even if my father begged you!""you have a lot of grown-ups!""your prime minister can ride a boat in his belly!""before, I was blinded by ** and deceived.""now I fina..."come on!"

"come on!"

"Why are you such a loser!"

"all together!"

"I want to hit ten!"

Lu Xiaobu made a loud rebuke at the same time, which can be called the sound spread all over the world.

simply listening to the voice, it seems that he is really a master, and his strength is invincible.

"Ye Hao, don't be afraid, my brother is really good."

"he beat ten great masters alone!"

Xing Lei still has a lot of admiration for her brother at the moment.

"the reason why I invited my brother this time is because he is good enough."

"these so-called enemies are just earthen dogs in front of my brothers!"

"soon, Brother Lu will push them flat."

listening to Xing Lei's words, the other two female disciples also held their heads proudly at the moment, as if they were destined to witness victory.

others took out their mobile phones and began to shoot a wonderful scene of their brother, ready to give him a fight voice and costume comparison later.

Xing Hongyi did not open his mouth, but squinted at the front and frowned slightly.

Ye Hao said nothing more, but sighed.

"clang Dang--"

came out with a loud noise.

at this time, I saw the white-faced skeleton covered with gold paint step forward and came directly to Lu Xiaobu.

"you have some skills, but unfortunately, you met me."

"get down on your knees and throw in the towel, and I can spare you not to die."

Lu Xiaobu looks arrogant, as if he has controlled the life and death of the white-faced skull.

the white-faced skull froze for a moment, and then there was a cruel smile on his face.

he did not speak, but pointed his hands at Lv Xiaobu and burst out like a cannonball, and the strength of each stroke was amazing.

Lu Xiaobu, though full of air, was constantly staggered back by the punch of the white-faced skull at the moment.


the last loud sound came out, and I felt the whole hall of the villa shake slightly.

the next moment, a mournful scream was heard.

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Xing Lei and others subconsciously looked at the past.

saw a figure flying upside down, directly in front of Xing Lei and others.

at the moment, Lu Xiaobu was covered in blood and ferocious wounds, and the whole person was trembling violently with fear.

Lv Xiaobu, who just took the exploding steps, is as embarrassed as a dead dog at the moment.

the facial expressions of Xing Lei and others froze instantly.

No one would have thought that a little step of Lu who wanted to hit ten would end up like this.

after all, in the cognition of Xing Lei and others, Lu Xiaobu should have crushed the white-faced skull directly with one person, one sword and no blood.

who knows, when the ratio is halfway through, it won't work.

at this time, Lu Xiaobu kept gasping for breath, looking ugly to the extreme.

as for what he said just now, there is no exception, and of course he selectively forgot it.

"what should I do Ye Hao, what should I do "

"Brother is seriously injured. Don't you have the best way"

Xing Lei reacted and looked at Ye Hao expectantly.

"Please, save your brother."

Ye Hao sighed and moved over, ready to do it.

Lu Xiaobu said with an ugly face, "he is a fengshui man. How can he save me"

"come on, sister, take out our division's Jinchuang medicine."

obviously, even if it comes to such a miserable end, Lu Xiaobu still doesn't believe that Ye Hao can save himself.

his two sisters hurriedly took out Jinchuang medicine and bandages and tried to stop the bleeding.

it's a pity that it's of no use. The powder can't stop the blood.

Ye Hao sighed again: "I'll do it."

if it were not for Xing Lei's sake, he would not care about such people.

Lu Xiaobu said coldly, "you can't come. You can stop the bleeding. I'll get down on my knees."


before he finished, Ye Hao reached out and sealed his acupoint, and the blood stopped immediately.ickly to the backyard. A moment later, he saw Xia Yun come out.she exchanged a look with Ye Hao and said nothing, but looked at the front solemnly.obviously, the people from these small buildings are...