Chapter 4253

d one by one.the expression of a man looking at an idol.the woman looked at Ye Hao with ridicule and disdain, as if in their eyes, Ye Hao was already dead.Qin Menghan's long sword is horizontal in fro..."buy our house for free"

Huang Puqian was slightly stupefied, and then looked confused.

"Grandpa, what are you talking about"

Huang Pufeng did not talk nonsense, but directly told what had just happened in the vestibule.

although Huang Puqian is also extremely intelligent, she is skeptical at the moment.

although she can't see Ye Hao's face, she can tell from Ye Hao's voice and breath that this is a young man.

but young people are feng shui masters who can suppress their grandfathers

are you kidding me

but Huang Puqian knows very well that in terms of her grandfather's arrogant character, unless Ye Hao is really capable, he will never get into his eyes.

at the thought of this, Huang Puqian's expression became very strange.

Ye Hao didn't explain much, but smiled and held out his hand: "Hello, Miss Huangpu, under Ye Hao."

Huang Puqian reached out politely at the moment and responded to Ye Hao: "it's nice to meet Master Ye, and Master Ye has worked hard to take a look at it for me."

"only, Master Ye, you must not be under pressure, because I am psychologically prepared!"

"I leaked the secret, so I got robbed."

obviously, Huang Puqian knows her own situation very well.

"leak the secret Is there such a robbery "

Ye Hao smiled and said faintly, "Don't worry, I don't have any pressure."

Huang Puqian was slightly stupefied and subconsciously said, "what does Ye Shao mean"

Ye Hao smiled and said, "I mean, this is not a robbery. I can solve it."

Huang Pu was slightly stupefied when he heard the words, and then said excitedly, "Ye Xiaoyou, can you really"

if it were before, he would not believe it.

will even say that Ye Hao is a magic stick.

after all, he consulted unknown masters at home and abroad, but as a result, there was nothing they could do.

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Ye Hao has an idea

how is this possible

but Ye Hao's light performance just now made Huang Pufeng have a little confidence in him.

although Huang Puqian could not "see" Ye Hao's face, she still raised a pretty face: "Master Ye, are you sure you can help me"

Ye Hao smiled and nodded and said, "Yes!"

hearing that Ye Hao was so sure, Huang Pufeng shouted, "Ye Xiaoyou, if you can save my granddaughter, this house is yours!"

"and I owe you a big favor from now on!"

"Water in the water, fire in the fire, whatever you want!"

Ye Hao smiled and said, "Master Huangpu, it's too early to say this."

"Please prepare something for me."

"I need silver needles, candles, and cinnabar."

Huang Pu nodded slightly and delivered the things quickly, whispering: "Ye Xiaoyou, what are you going to do"

Ye Hao smiled and said, "Miss Huangpu's eyes are nothing but."

Ye Hao hasn't finished what he said, but now there are footsteps behind him.

then came a familiar voice: "where are you, old uncle and sister Qianqian"

"I brought Xiao Tianshi Zhang to show you!"

Ye Hao frowned slightly, glanced past the corner of his eye, and saw a touch of familiarity on the newcomer's face.

he soon remembered with a pat on the forehead.

this is Chen Hongmin of Zhongtian Group, Chen Hongxuan's sister.

in pursuit of Zheng Xiaoxuan, Chen Hongxuan and Chen Hongmin brother and sister prepared a big play that day.

it's a pity that Ye Hao just showed up and beat their faces so that they were swollen.

I didn't expect to meet here today. I can only say that the road for enemies is of Hong Kong gambling Yemen, actually came to sell his feelings. He can only say that he is not only thick-skinned, but also shameless!"Brother San, what are you doing here just tell me."Ye Wenzhen...