Chapter 4127

uth, I'm sure they'll be blacklisted in the industry and won't find a job ever since."(adsbygoogle = indo.adsbygoogle | | []) .ush ({});Nalanze doesn't know what's going on, but he's smart enough to k..."No."

Ye Hao did not expect that Zheng Maner would suddenly mention Xie Mengyao. He shook his head and said, "Yan Tao is looking for me."

"he asked me if we would like to sign a contract."

"I'll just ask him to contact the company's legal department directly."

hearing Ye Hao's explanation, Zheng Maner's pretty face eased slightly, and then the conversation changed: "it suddenly occurred to me that if you can let Yan Tao give you face like this, you should let Xie Mengyao help you a lot, right"

Ye Hao said faintly, "there's no need to move her out of this little thing."

Zheng hesitated and finally said nothing.

if she were in Wucheng, Yangcheng, Gangcheng, and Mordu, she would have believed Ye Hao's words.

but Jinling is the ancient capital of the six dynasties, and the water is incomparably deep.

when Ye Hao, who doesn't have any roots in Jinling, said this, Zheng Maner always found it a little strange.

soon, she can only comfort herself forcefully. Ye Hao's ability is beyond imagination, and he must have his layout in Jinling.

but the problem is that even if she thinks so, she can't dispel the jealousy she feels that she doesn't want to admit.

then, Zheng Maner couldn't help thinking of Xia Yun, Wang Lingyue, Dong Liya and other women, and her heart was even more difficult to understand.

the vinegar-smelled car drove away all the way, and then approached a magnificent clubhouse.

at this time, the lights are on, the cars come and go, and the fragrant wind spreads everywhere, and many handsome boys and beauties are in and out of them.

after the car stopped, Ye Hao followed Zheng Maner out, and then saw a Masarati president stop.

then two graceful women with exquisite makeup showed up.

these two women are business partners Zheng Maner has just met in Jinling. One is Chen Xiaoqi and the other is Lin Manyao.

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they both wore small black skirts with low breasts, revealing smooth upper bodies and long legs like jade carvings.

fair skin, long legs, graceful figure and face with exquisite makeup.

many passers-by saw this scene, all with glowing eyes, and some young people were even ready to come and talk to him.

it's just that when the indifferent eyes of the two women swept by, these young people were suddenly embarrassed.

after all, this kind of femininity is so powerful that it is simply beyond the control of ordinary people.

"Maner, there you are."

seeing Zheng Maner, Chen Xiaoqi and Lin Manyao came over together, smiling.

Zheng Maner nodded slightly to the two and said, "good evening. Did I miss the time"

"No, as long as you can come, everything will be fine."

"Maner, after you dress up, you are really beautiful!" Chen Xiaoqi, who is full of Chanel style, smiled, and then she squinted, her eyes shifted, and fell on Ye Hao.

"is this Ye Hao you're talking about"

as she spoke, Chen Xiaoqi's face was full of undisguised dislike.

obviously, the name of Ye Hao's door-to-door son-in-law has thoroughly spread in Jinling.

Tang Ling definitely contributed a lot to this matter.

Ye Hao, in particular, dresses casually and looks just like a recent college graduate.

compared with Chen Xiaoqi's hundreds of thousands of outfits, Ye Hao is really too shabby.

as for Lin Manyao, she didn't even want to look at Ye Hao. She just stood with Ye Hao and was very humiliated.Mo Xin, telling her not to go to antique shops to make fight against her like this is to kill yourself!and Mo Xin behind those costume men and women, one by one used to look at Ye Hao, and...