Chapter 4104

kill each other.but she is a little young in Miyamoto Sakura. "br" aside, she can't understand Fang Haoqiu's arrangement in this game at all.after reading it clearly, I had to admit that because of h...everyone was a little dumbfounded for a moment, a little at a loss to watch the scene.

Zhang Lina was instantly tongue-tied and her mouth was wide open. She didn't know what to say.

everyone was supposed to see Ye Hao's joke, but Ye Hao beat his face up.

after all, everyone knows that it is absolutely impossible to steal national treasures from the Jiangning Museum.

even if someone has the ability, it is impossible to sell it for 100, 000 yuan.

the most important thing is that if this kind of thing is really stolen, it will be a hot search in the news.

there is no relevant news so far, and fools know what's going on.

everyone looked at Li Rongshan strangely.

even if you want to make a fake, would you please make something less famous

you talk for a long time, and as soon as people search the Internet for news, you will be exposed.

at this moment, Li Rongshan, who was just triumphant, immediately felt the redness and pain on his face.

although Ye Hao didn't slap him directly, it didn't make much difference.

Tang Ling's face suddenly became gloomy and ugly.

"Ye, what are you so proud of"

"even if our painting is really a fake, it is prepared with heart!"

"just because we were unprofessional, we were cheated!"

"it's not our fault, it's the seller!"

"We'll get even with him!"

seeing the strange look in everyone's eyes, Zhang Lina couldn't sit still any longer.

she can't stand by and watch her man suffer so much.

she took out Ye Hao's gift box and exclaimed, "No matter how fake our things are, they are thousands of times better than you bringing muddy radishes!"

while she was talking, she poured out the Changbai Mountain ginseng and patted it on the table.

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"Ye Hao, what do you have prepared"

"I don't know which roadside stall bought a radish, but maybe I pulled it out in the green belt!"

"this thing will eat dead people!"

Zhang Lina's instant burst table of combat effectiveness: "the things we send, even if they are fake, are more valuable than your radish!"

Li Rongshan said coldly at the moment, "I don't know which turnip pulled out from the rotten mud is not as big as my thumb. What if a dead person eats it"

everyone looked at the muddy Changbai Mountain Tianshen and looked at Ye Hao sarcastically one by one.

many guests even began to speak for Li Rongshan again, accusing Ye Hao of malice.

just because Tang Ling did not approve of his remarriage to Zheng Maner, he was going to poison his parents-in-law.

seeing that things got out of control, Ye Hao, Tang Ling and others seemed to fall out again. Zheng Maner frowned slightly, pulled Ye Hao by the sleeve and said, "Ye Hao, otherwise make an apology and make an apology."

Ye Hao smiled and said faintly, "Man, other people don't understand, don't you know your own mother"

"she doesn't know what it means to turn a big thing into a small one."

"she only knows what it means to make progress by an inch."

at this point, Ye Hao pointed to Changbai Mountain Tianshen, looked at Tang Ling and said, "Mom and Dad, you also think that this is a stall, and you don't know where it came from."

"do you think I'm going to use this thing to harm your lives"

Zheng Jun stared at something for a moment, then suddenly his eyelids jumped and he wanted to say something.

but Tang Ling glared at him and sneered, "it's not as big as my thumb, and it's still muddy. It's a mutant that irrigated the nuclear waste water of the island nation!"

"if you eat it, you will have to peel off even if you don't die!" quit""have you forgotten your identity and status"to put it bluntly, the Hong Kong gambling consortium is just a consortium under Hong Kong gambling Yemen.Ye Senluo has a high status in Hong Kong gam...