Chapter 4097

ld me, but if you scold the person who sent me the invitation is a fool, aren't you afraid that that person will know and kill you""ha!" Jiang Wenzhuo laughed. "Ye Hao, say you're fat, you're really p...Ye Hao originally wanted to ignore it, but he couldn't bear to endure this kind of torture for an old man.

after thinking for a moment, he spoke to the bohemian girl and said, "this young lady, your grandfather still has dirt on him."

"the reason why you are in a car accident is because of dirty things."

"so, I suggest you go when you are free."

"Dirty things"

before Ye Hao finished speaking, the bohemian girl was furious.

"you want to kill my grandfather for 1 million yuan!"

"in order to defend himself, he also said that my grandfather had dirt on him!"

"if you talk nonsense like this, do you believe I will kill you"

my grandfather accumulated virtue and did good all his life, and he often ate fasting and worshiped the Buddha.

how can a good man like him have dirt on him!

at the thought of this, the more angry the bohemian girl, the more she slapped Ye Hao in the face.


it's just that the slap hasn't fallen on Ye Hao's face.

Zheng Xiaoxuan, who did not know when she came to Ye Hao, raised her hand and blocked her movements.

"Miss, my brother-in-law is kind!"

"at that time, no one was willing to come forward to help. My brother-in-law helped you. Even if you were not grateful, you still beat people up!"

"if you really think my brother-in-law's behavior made your grandfather have something to do, you can report it to the official!"

"if the inspector thinks it's our responsibility, we can take responsibility!"

"but don't bite Lu Dongbin with a dog!"

speaking of this, Zheng Xiaoxuan showed her momentum and said in a cold voice, "the most important thing is, what are you"

"how dare you hit my brother-in-law"

Zheng Xiaoxuan's rare overbearing made Ye Hao slightly stupefied.

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he did not expect that Zheng Xiaoxuan, who was like a little girl in his eyes, had grown up so rapidly.

the bohemian girl was also slightly stupefied when she heard the words, a little surprised by Zheng Xiaoxuan's strength.

then she broke free of Zheng Xiaoxuan's hand and said angrily, "you just hope my grandfather is okay!" Otherwise, I will certainly make you pay for your lives! "

in her voice, she took out her mobile phone and took a picture of Ye Hao, then walked angrily toward the ambulance in the distance.

"this guy has gone too far!"

"brother-in-law, let's ignore her!"

Zheng Xiaoxuan gave a cold hum and then greeted Ye Hao to get on the Porsche.

Ye Hao glanced at the distant ambulance and then stepped on the throttle.

the car smoothly merged into the traffic flow this time, and soon came to the No. 10 villa of Jinling Manor on the outskirts of Jinling.

this place is the property that Zheng Maner bought again after he came to Jinling.

not only the scenery is beautiful, but also the decoration is very Jiangnan style.

after Zheng Xiaoxuan instructed Ye Hao to park her car, she hesitated a little and said, "brother-in-law, my parents have made a lot of so-called friends since they came to Jinling this time."

"what other godson did my father receive"

"now the godson and his wife come to our house if they have nothing to do."

"their temperament is similar to that of their parents, and they know about you."

"so, in case something bad happens later, you should bear with it."

"everything will wait until you and my sister get their marriage license again."

at this point, Zheng Xiaoxuan looked worried.

seeing Zheng Xiaoxuan's expression, Ye Hao smiled and said, "it's all right. I haven't suffered any grievances in your family for three years."

"what's with such a trifle It doesn't matter. "disgrace."it's Xiao Shao. Now that you have said so, I will not be deceived."Master Helan smiled at Xiao Nandong.then he didn't bother to look at Ye Hao, but turned around and waved faintly and said,...